My main channel is called Thedailyishrant, I was hoping to make videos almost daily, and I was a ranter back in 2010 when I started the channel. From 2010 to 2014, I made 96 videos, the channel has been on hiatus since August 2014, I dunno, I just haven't felt like making the kind of videos I made there. I hope to return to it soon.
Other channels are usually based on my name, my cookery channel is Kryptochef, my vlogging channel is Kryptovlogs, my vintage bicycle restoration and cycling channel is BobbyKBikes.
I had another channel which only has one video, a really cringy comedy sketch I made when I was 16, this channel was called acidcatfilms. This was because I heard that cats are capable of making their own vitamin c, so they don't need to eat citrus fruit, the idea of acidcatfilms, was that it was going to be crazy, far out comedy, and that I/anyone else writing for starring in the videos, would be the kind of person that could invent crazy stuff without taking acid, a bit far fetched I know :/