Whats the story behind your channel name?

Sub is from Sublime and Nerv is from Nirvana. I liked the way Subnerv looked better than Subnirv personally so I changed it. Subnerve seems to be a Myspace band so I didn't go with that name either. :wacky2:
Mine don't have long history. A month ago when i started I wanted a name that tells people they will have fun on my channel so this one jump to my mind. I like amusing people :)
I make short animation movies, and they always end up in some kind of picture in a frame. So I came up with the name Get The Picture? I´m also trying to tell something with my videos so it also means like “Do you get it?”
hi again!

Since I see so many YouTube channel names that initially do not make any sense to me, I was wondering how you came up with your channel name?
It's also a part of my quest to find out what I should call my own channel, since the one I got now is not the name I want to keep on my channel.

So I am a sailor (recently won Australian National championships) and every week a big boat would sail past called "Lukim Yu" Have no idea what it means but my name is Luke & I really liked the name Lukim. Short & simple. But it was never my username until I was playing Civ V (or something similar) with friends and one of them said "Nuke him" and his mic was kinda muffled so it sounded like Lukim and I adopted the name
My name is simple I'm a big guy and enjoy gaming.
Im hoping soon it will be wrong but currently XXXL describes me
My name SpeedsterDEN came when I was sailing in VSK5 online sailing game, I needed a name that sounded fast and the same time I was building a Porsche 356 Speedster replica, so I took the Speedster and used it as nickname.
Later I put DEN for Denmark in the sail.
When I started on Youtube I just used the nickname. :)

My channel is mostly about model airplanes, so I think it is ok..;)
