Whats the story behind your channel name?

My channel name is punkprinc3ss the reason why I chose that name is because of my style of clothing. also, I want to put my music out there and the genre of music I write is alternative. I chose that type of spelling with a 3 instead of an e to stand out from other accounts!
Started a show at Tremont Music Hall and I wanted to share joke clips from it.
So I made kind of a pun from it and called it Tremonstrous Comedy.
A few months into it the venue decided to sell and close. So in a panic we changed to Monstrous Comedy.

Been that ever since.
Mines pretty simple, at work people have been calling me Toby-Wan Kenobi for a while now. When I was trying to think of a name it was just so prominent in my head I had to go for it.
lol, eggplants just became a recurring joke between me and my best friend. In our last year of uni we called our final project team, 'Team Eggplant', and then when we graduated we went into Youtube and so did the name XD
My name is zak las name starts with d ad the tv and there you have it ZakDTV, Kinda thought it looked cool too
Everytime I went into my class at school, my 9th grade Math teacher would always look at me and say "DougieBoy" because he was a huge fan of the hockey player Doug Gilmour, and I was only kid in the 9th grade that had the name Doug, so I became "DougieBoy". Stuck with me ever since. :)