Whats the story behind your channel name?

SlayerKM was my runescape name like soooooooo many years ago when i was younger and it kind of stuck with me, my xbox gamertag then became slayerkm and it progressed to everything online hahahha
Emperor Vindicare
Vindicares are bad-a** assassins from the 40k lore, when I was younger I got a minecraft account and called it; vindicare_boss (no caps unprofessional I know). Eventually my clan became very powerful so I changed it to Lord_Vindicare. I play a lot of strategy games like total war and CKII, and I always go for the legendary achievements like Imperator or Its better to be the Emperor. So I decided to change both my steam and youtube name to Emperor Vindicare. Also I have an underlying theme in my videos of 'forging an Empire' while I play, not really of course, just to add a little flavor to things.
Well, A bunch of friends and I made our names "Rez (Name here)" So while we were trying to come up with funny things we somehow got into the conversation of sex. We are teenage guys so it should not surprise you. So after that I decided that RawDawg would be the best/most appropriate name to use as a username
I've seen a few people asking for help with their channel names and it got me wondering how did everyone else come up with their channel names?

My channel is The8BitMonkey, the name came about after a good long week of writing down a load of different names that I could go by but in the end I just went with a name that meant something to me.

So the story, with regards to "The8Bit" part, I have always had a love from video games and my first ever console was the Atari 2600jr, I would spend hours playing that thing and still do to this day, it was such a big part of my childhood that I couldn't imagine being where I am now without it, so thats where "The8Bit" part comes from.

Now as for the Monkey part well, I was born in a small fishing town in the North East of the UK called Hartlepool which has a rather odd legend to it, back in the Napoleonic War a french ship crashed up against the rocks at our coastline, the wreckage soon made it onto the beach and with it a small creature dressed in a sailor's outfit, now since we were a small town with little contact with the outside world we had never seen a monkey before and all of our images of the french had been caricatures in the newspapers, so we assumed that this creature was a french spy and proceeded to interrogate it on the beach but because it wouldn't answer any of our questions we hung it...yes, stupid I know, anyway ever since those days people from Hartlepool have been known as Monkey Hackers and to the older generation it's still classed as an insult but most of the younger generation have learned to embrace it, including myself, these days I go by Monkey as a name with my friends and that's where the monkey part of my username came from.

Hartlepool Legend (Google it,I can't link)

So yeah, thats where my name came from, I would love to know where all you names came from.
well my channel is based around eurovision which the full name is Eurovision Song Contest so the ESC comes from that
and i would say i am a pretty big fan of the contest so i choose Fanatic
and my channel name is ESC Fanatic
Mine is a username I have used for years, I got sick of people spelling my nickname "Eddy", then the first place I tried "ItsEddie" but it just looked weird so I went with "ItzEddie" and it has stuck really ever since then.
I knew from the start I wanted the word "stardust" in my channel and "scene" came about from my olden days in the local music scene~ lol I just thought it'd be fitting since there's gonna be a lot of traveling and events on my channel :D
Pretty basic story for me really, A friend came up with The Profane Prophet for me while watching a video I made when I first started thinking about running a channel, Since my name they gave me had prophet in it I decided to use a appropriate name "Celsus" was a Greek philosopher that I like and identify with so I picked his name as my pen name.