You could go the route of someone like Pewdiepie and have an original intro that you speak each time in the beginning of a video. I feel like for a channel oriented around the personality it would be a good way to connect with your audience, rather than just have a generic template intro / dubstep intro / etc.
I personally think something short and simple such as just your logo popping up is nice, as long as the viewer knows what channel they're on it's all good from there! :D
Definitely not a generic dubstep intro.
Ah, the old "Five Pound Intro"!

Nothing turns me away from viewing the rest of the video, let alone subscribing, if I hear dubstep and/or see the same generic floating, spinning 3D Text I've seen on 500 other channels.

If you've made your own intro, regardless of technical prowess, it shows you've put some thought and love into your channel. It's also nice watching those designs become better as someone's skill improves.
If I decide to binge watch a channel, nothing turns me off like a long intro. I watch a lot of MetalJesusRocks and LOVE his videos but after a few I get tired of the long intro.
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You know what always makes me continue watching a video? When you have the funniest moment in the beginning. Like a small preview of what the viewer wishes to watch, if that makes sense? And then having some music, having a quick intro on either what the video is about or something among the sort. Having graphics helps to please the eye as well.
Well, from watching youtube creators academy, good intro need to be less than 5 sec long, otherwise, people will leave even if they didn't get your video.
yup i made the mistake of using floating 3d text and generic dubstep music. I think its ony hurting my channel. I'm in the process of changing it.