What made YouTube 2018?


What events/people do you think defined YouTube 2018?
I'd definitely say the Pauls, boxing, shane, fousey and PewDiePie were the major game-changers this year on YouTube.
TBH, i don't think most of these things would make it onto YouTube rewind though because last year YouTube included completely different people as to what we all thought. I'd definitely say boxing will have something to do with Rewind 2018.
What do you guys think? :]
thoughtless trend following likely the best answer.. !! idea- lets all upload the same video.. daft fidget spinning etc etc.
Violence at YouTube, demonetization of smaller channels, the Logan Paul stuff, kids channels being shut down, rise of a ton of comedy channels, some advertisers coming back to YouTube, YouTube becoming the top social media platform among young people, Space X / Elon Musk stuff, the new European Internet laws, and the algorithm now favoring those who post a lot -- I think that's pretty much what happened in 2018 lol. I don't think a lot of that will go into their rewind, though! I'm not sure who will be in their rewind video -- there are so many huge YouTubers now... :o
Violence at YouTube, demonetization of smaller channels, the Logan Paul stuff, kids channels being shut down, rise of a ton of comedy channels, some advertisers coming back to YouTube, YouTube becoming the top social media platform among young people, Space X / Elon Musk stuff, the new European Internet laws, and the algorithm now favoring those who post a lot -- I think that's pretty much what happened in 2018 lol. I don't think a lot of that will go into their rewind, though! I'm not sure who will be in their rewind video -- there are so many huge YouTubers now... :eek:
Will the Great Algorithm forgive me for not posting if I content dump roughly 40 streams to it? I honestly don't trust that thing cuz it changes every year and it's so random how it does. At least it feels like it.
Will the Great Algorithm forgive me for not posting if I content dump roughly 40 streams to it? I honestly don't trust that thing cuz it changes every year and it's so random how it does. At least it feels like it.
Yeah, it's constantly changing. Next year it will probably favor something else. I think it's best to just make your best content and try to adapt it to the algorithm as it changes. :)
Yeah I really doubt youtube would put the Paul in this years rewind especially because of all the conterversies the Paul’s have been in this year. I doubt Shane would be In the rewind because every time he gets invited to things he turns them down because of his body image issues, he turned down the the streams again this year because of it.