I've Got It
-Do you want to be a full time Youtuber? If we made a sustainable, comfortable income!
-Is Youtube a stepping stone/hobby that you hope will lead to other things? YES!
-Do you have an ultimate subscriber/viewercount goal? Over 100,000 or greaterWe will see if that ever happens though!
-Do you want to have social influence? Absolutely! We want to make a positive impact on others and spread positivity!
-Are you using Youtube to market your skills? Ehhhhh, not essential!
-Do you want to be a full time Youtuber? Would be cool, wouldn't it?

-Is Youtube a stepping stone/hobby that you hope will lead to other things? That was never the intention.
-Do you have an ultimate subscriber/viewercount goal? 10k subs would already be super dope
-Do you want to have social influence? Help people to cook awesome meals, I guess?

-Are you using Youtube to market your skills? Not a chef. Cooking's a hobby though.