Tips on Motivation?

Do You Do (almost) daily vlogs??

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New Member
Hey. I am new to the youtube daily vlogging. So new, that I haven't even started yet... The reason as to WHY I haven't started is because I am afraid I won't be able to keep up with the daily vlogs or I will get bored with it... I want to reach 1,000 subscribers but I know I can only do that if I post regularly and frequently.

Do any of you do daily vlogs? How do you do it? How do you find the motivation and the drive to vlog everyday and edit and upload it daily?

When I do decide to finally start this journey, I'm planning on making a few vlogs ahead of time so I have sort of a backlog so to speak. Like I'll film and edit a vlog for yesterday, today, tomorrow. But on the day I am filming the "tomorrow" vlog my "yesterday" vlog will go up on my channel. Is doing that a good idea??

Aw I need advice on motivation and how to do these daily vlogs. Anybody has any ideas??
I am afraid I won't be able to keep up with the daily vlogs or I will get bored with it
If you are already unsure of this plan, I wouldn't do it. Putting out regular videos takes a lot of time and effort and daily vlogging takes this to a whole new level. If getting a 1000 subs is your only goal with this project, you are not going to last. You should take up daily vlogging if you have something to share with us. Your environment, your thoughts, your adventures, your opinions. Not because you want a following. I wrote a tutorial on this actually: /threads/youtube-reality-check.268741/ (just add after the

Making a backlog is a good idea in itself, but I wouldn't make it more then a day (so uploading your monday vlog on tuesday). Daily vlogging is all about being recent and being now. People want to interact with you, so if you backlog three days, your reactions will also be three days late.
The best thing for motivation is that you make/upload video because you love making videos:) If not you will find out that it is hard work running a channel and you will lose motivation pretty fast.. So to motivate you just remember why you started and this should motivate you enough.....And if people actually watch/like your videos it will ad a whole lot of extra to your motivation;)
If you are already unsure of this plan, I wouldn't do it. Putting out regular videos takes a lot of time and effort and daily vlogging takes this to a whole new level. If getting a 1000 subs is your only goal with this project, you are not going to last. You should take up daily vlogging if you have something to share with us. Your environment, your thoughts, your adventures, your opinions. Not because you want a following.
Yep...this "I want to publish a vlog every day but I'm not sure if I really want to" approach does not bode well for the future my friend.
My advice would be to just start by filming one or two vlogs. Try to make them the best that you possibly can. See if you enjoy it, see if you get a sense of satisfaction from the finished result. Don't, repeat, DON'T expect massive views or subs...just do it for yourself.
If you find that it is fun and satisfying then you will naturally do more videos, more often.

Good luck with it!
The fact that you are concerned about finding the motivation before you have even started is probably not a good sign. :) Real motivation comes from within because we really want something and it can't really be invented.
I'll raise my glass to what everyone else has said. Filming, editing and posting and promoting everyday is hard work, and a bit of a chore. If you don't enjoy it, I suspect it will go badly. Personally I usually only upload 3 - 4 vids a week on a regular schedule. It's more fun, it keeps subscribers happy and steady growth is continuing. Especially for new Youtubers, I notice people are pretty reasonable with expectations. If they like what they see, they'll subscribe and enjoy the great talent they've found, then enjoy the new skills you acquire.
Concur with the gang. It's good to be aware of any potential problems that may occur when starting a Youtube channel but one thing that shouldn't pose a problem is being motivated. Most people are guns blazing with excitement when starting a channel and if you're having reservations already, take a step back and really reflect on what you want out of the channel. best of luck.
If I were you, I would definitely start with a weekly post. That's still frequent / regular. Doing daily vlogs is difficult even for the most motivated people. Also, as a super new channel, people probably aren't gonna wanna tune in daily to see what you're up to unless you lead an extraordinary life. After you've gained some subscribers with weekly videos, you will a) have viewers that want to see more of you and b) have a better grip on how much work each video is and how you can best schedule your filming and editing time.
Best of luck!