Thoughts on "reaction" vids?

I have to admit that I do like to watch them once in a while. But I would never subscribe to someone who has a channel just with those videos. I would like it if a youtubers that I'm subscribed to is doing it besides his other videos, but not too much of course.
I think that reaction videos are good providing its sections of the video and not a full uncut version of the original video.. In a similar way to Leafy does it
I don't think I have ever watched a reaction video in my life but for those who make them, whether it be for money or for fun, more power to them. There are thousands of other genres I don't watch either so this particular one means nothing more/less than any of the others
I do not support any reaction videos if I can avoid it.
It just seems so weird to me, it's kinda like not taking my eyes off of someone beside me while they're watching a movie or something... just seems totally pointless.
If that channel is a reaction channel I will be very skeptical about their work in general and mostly see them as money or fame leeches. For example I saw a Korean couple wearing masks over their mouths and they hardly react or hardly show emotion during the video. That is what pisses me off, but for some people who are genuinely reacting and also have other contents other than reaction videos then I would say that I pretty much enjoy it.
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im ok with channels that do reactions videos once in awhile AND add their own charm to the mix. I literally saw a video of a guy eating some chips calling it a "reaction" lol no. I hate channels that just cut together some clips and upload them watching. The sad this is that it takes away ad revenue and attention from the original video.
I used to run along with the "reaction crowd" and I blame those sorts of videos for the subs I've gotten up till this point. Its a rush at first, you really do enjoy it, to see yourself FINAL grow and get views and likes or dislikes even. You're just happy. For that moment.

But reaction videos were never my passion nor something I wanted to be known for. Not to mention it took little to no effort at all to do any of it.

So i eventually stopped and went back to what I did before my channel was rushed with popularity. When I used to get immediate views and likes back when I did reactions now I get like 9 views in the first 24 hours at times. And I have over 600 subs. So. You get the picture.

It sucks but, I don't blame anyone else but myself. I took the easy route when I should have just stuck to my guns doing lets plays and the such.
I've enjoyed some reaction videos. Not very often though. Like when they dropped the trailer for "The Last of Us Part 2" it gave me chills and I was really excited and wanted to see if anyone else reacted in the same way. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Other than that I couldn't just watch loads of them. It has to be something I'm interested in.