It's urban legend that dislikes are bad for your videos, they work the same way as likes, they only help your videos grow. The more you have the better. There are tons of viral videos out there with loads of dislikes and in the youtube spectrum, the video still performs well. Dislikes, like likes and comments are interactions, the more you have of all of them, the better your videos performs. Having a few dislikes is far better than having none at all so those trolls are only helping your video grow. So many people dwell on this and even stop making videos because of the number of dislikes they have. Keep on making awesome videos and look at it as a statistic!
Hey everyone! Just popping in to vent basically haha! Anyway let's get into this...

The thing I've really grown to hate about YouTube is the dislike button. I understand that YouTube use the statistics for likes/dislikes to help rank videos in the searches, however in my opinion they should not display the amount of dislikes to the public!

It is so disrespectful to the video creators, we spend so much time and effort creating these videos (which without us, YouTube would be nothing) only to be publicly humiliated! I wish YouTube would either keep the dislikes figures to themselves, or show them to the creator of the video only.

I hope you agree, maybe I'm just being picky or taking things over the top.


I can't accept that this level of narcissism is real. I just can't. And the fact that people actually agree with this wrong and disgustingly pretentious claim is making me depressed.

God, I could have a field day with this horse ********, since you people are apart of the demographic that think that cyberbullying is so much of a tragedy, societal interaction is corrupt, hypocritical and out right inhumane.

Why am I being so erratic about this? Because you've LITERALLY just said, point blank, that "We should not acknowledge that we have people who shows their dislike towards our content." You're depriving people of their criticism, their freedom of choice and how they see your content.

This is the equivalent of saying that movie critics shouldn't be taken seriously because they detail reasons on why they believe a specific movie sucks. AKA, the flawed logic of "DURR IF U DUN LIK IT DUN WATCH IT"

The dislike bar is there to show people that the content in the video has a leveled-out field of recommendation for advising new viewers if the video is worth watching or not. The credit for the channel and the videos the channel put out.

If you're actually against this, you have arrogance issues or you can't handle criticism. You can't handle what mentally stable human being call REALITY.

It makes me sick these childish characteristics are getting more praise by the day. First day I come back to this website in probably 6 or 7 months and I see THIS b******t getting positive feedback.
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I can't accept that this level of narcissism is real. I just can't. And the fact that people actually agree with this wrong and disgustingly pretentious claim is making me depressed.

God, I could have a field day with this horse ********, since you people are apart of the demographic that think that cyberbullying is so much of a tragedy, societal interaction is corrupt, hypocritical and out right inhumane.

Why am I being so erratic about this? Because you've LITERALLY just said, point blank, that "We should not acknowledge that we have people who shows their dislike towards our content." You're depriving people of their criticism, their freedom of choice and how they see your content.

This is the equivalent of saying that movie critics shouldn't be taken seriously because they detail reasons on why they believe a specific movie sucks. AKA, the flawed logic of "DURR IF U DUN LIK IT DUN WATCH IT"

The dislike bar is there to show people that the content in the video has a leveled-out field of recommendation for advising new viewers if the video is worth watching or not. The credit for the channel and the videos the channel put out.

If you're actually against this, you have arrogance issues or you can't handle criticism. You can't handle what mentally stable human being call REALITY.

It makes me sick these childish characteristics are getting more praise by the day. First day I come back to this website in probably 6 or 7 months and I see THIS b******t getting positive feedback.

You must have failed to read my post correctly... I said I don't like that the number of dislikes are shown to the public, I would prefer them to be private so only I can see how many people don't like the video instead. Read first then post.

I can't accept that this level of narcissism is real. I just can't. And the fact that people actually agree with this wrong and disgustingly pretentious claim is making me depressed.

God, I could have a field day with this horse ********, since you people are apart of the demographic that think that cyberbullying is so much of a tragedy, societal interaction is corrupt, hypocritical and out right inhumane.

Why am I being so erratic about this? Because you've LITERALLY just said, point blank, that "We should not acknowledge that we have people who shows their dislike towards our content." You're depriving people of their criticism, their freedom of choice and how they see your content.

This is the equivalent of saying that movie critics shouldn't be taken seriously because they detail reasons on why they believe a specific movie sucks. AKA, the flawed logic of "DURR IF U DUN LIK IT DUN WATCH IT"

The dislike bar is there to show people that the content in the video has a leveled-out field of recommendation for advising new viewers if the video is worth watching or not. The credit for the channel and the videos the channel put out.

If you're actually against this, you have arrogance issues or you can't handle criticism. You can't handle what mentally stable human being call REALITY.

It makes me sick these childish characteristics are getting more praise by the day. First day I come back to this website in probably 6 or 7 months and I see THIS b******t getting positive feedback.
I agree that people should have the rights to thumb up or down. Meanwhile, it would be nice to see the reasons too. I have a video with more dislikes than likes, but all the comments were positive. It is quite difficult to figure out what's wrong, if no one comments on the reason for the dislike.
Although it does have its flaws and could definitely be improved i do think it is useful (in most cases) for example when i was making vids for an older channel of mine i didnt invest much into it and had a lot of crappy recording gear which resulted in some really bad quality vids that ive since deleted out of shame. Every time i posted it would get 3 or 4 dislikes before i even saw a single like. This told me to change things up. So i changed my style around and did different types of videos (thinking it would help). Guess what? It didnt help at all. So i kept trying new things until i got a better mic eventually and saw my like to dislike ratio soar up. So yes it doesnt give a specific reasoning for why people dislike your content but at the same time it gives you a firm realisation that someone didnt like your content enough to click the dislike button which means its time to change something. And while it could be more specific like require a reason behind disliking a video to get feedback, i think its kinda fun looking for that answer as a creator :) but yea thats just my thoughts on the topic.
I don't pay much attention to dislikes as I tend to normally get more likes then dislikes anyway, but one of my friends who is also a youtuber uploaded one of his videos to youtube then promoted it on facebook, and got 7 dislikes within a minute, and he was understandably upset but decided to write a rant about it on facebook, which started an argument and caused more dislikes, so because of this I think dislikes shouldn't be visible to the audience, only the creator, if anything should remove it entirely but I know they can't really do that
It's silly to keep likes but remove dislikes in my opinion. Just remove ratings if that's a thing that bothers you.

I review shows I really like, but sometimes there are episodes that I find bad and I say so. A large portion of a fanbase usually takes a "can do no wrong" approach to any show, so any "badmouthing "inevitably invites dislikes. And I expect this, all videos where I said I didn't like an episode got me more dislikes than usual.
That's just YT, and that's just how things will continue to be.

I'm thankful YT allows the disabling of ratings and comments for people who want to upload videos but not bother with the nonsense that often goes on in the comments. For example, I think most science videos should have no ratings or comments because it typically leads to inevitable and godawful arguments between religious and areligious people.

But to hide dislikes simply because you feel perturbed that other people can see how the internet received your video? That's silly.
I agree, I really do not like the dislike button because it get's misused allot. I've noticed for sometime that there was very surly one user who kept disliking all my video's seconds after I posted them. It became very Obvious what is so anoying and doesn''t help out at all!
On a brighter note, getting dislikes mean that people are still noticing you and watching your videos. You still get viewer engagement from receiving dislikes. It is a lot better than getting no views at all, in my opinion.