I like the initial point behind the dislike button - after all, no matter where you go there are scammers, spammers and plain ol' nasty hate-filled people. Those guys deserve all of the dislikes because they're overshadowing the efforts of well-meaning folks. But sadly, people have started to abuse it and dislike for the sake of disliking things - which can impact really negatively on a channel if it keeps happening.
I hate how it doesnt help anything.You dont know why they disliked it, It could just be because you said a word they hate but you dont know.

Perhaps YouTube should add a comment box type feature. So if you press dislike you have to explain why you disliked it. If no one provides and explanation they can't dislike it.
I know it's not great to see, but you have to remember that if it was not publicly displayed, then people most likely wouldn't bother to use it at all. And likes are a bit impotent without dislikes anyway - what is the Light Side with the Dark Side?
As a viewer, seeing the spread of likes and dislikes acts as a good quick warning for me. For instance, let's say that I was looking up a tutorial on how to do something, and I find a potential video. If I clicked it and saw 2 likes and 30 dislikes, I'm leaving because the consensus is that I probably will waste my time watching the video. If YouTube hid dislikes, then I would encounter the same video with 2 likes (or nothing, if you hide likes too). I'd watch the video, and then I probably would blindly waste my time.

I would be interested in something like what Amazon is doing, where the top comments are split up to two sections: "Most Positive Comments" and "Most Critical Comments". So, if I see that a video has a lot of dislikes, I can look at the top critical comments and quickly get the jist of what's going on.
I think it would be nice to have that as a option to choose if ppl can see your dislikes or not. also i think its good to just because usually its a good tool to let if ppl know if videos are decent or not. I personally would still have it just because 90% of the time the view is correct if it was :down2: it might actually need work for the audience you are trying to reach if was :up2: then you met that views standards. because you are making content for them. Even though we might have put a lot of work into it and it hurts our feelings doesn't mean its totally wrong. you could be pushing a wall:banghead: to make it move in a sense but getting a wrecking ball would be a lot more effective so u may be putting tons of effort into it but u may need to try putting your efforts into something else or in a different way. Also I think its a good way for the view to tell them (DISCREETLY) something that the video needed work instead of a hate comment which is really uncalled for. So usually if it is good for your viewers you will notice more likes:up2: that dislikes:down2: also YouTube is awesome for letting us use there well developed website and staff plus have the opportunity to make money off of it. so i think its a good decision so :up2:'s
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Absolutely not. There is some stuff that gets uploaded that is absolutely bat doodoo crazy. And it deserves all the dislikes they can throw at it (I myself rarely dislike a video. I just don't watch stupid stuff and click away). Also, it is an indicator that you either need to change your content or find another hobby. Not everyone can resonate and be liked by the YouTube masses. I suppose I am doing alright with 2K subscribers and more likes than dislikes. I didn't join for internet fame though. I joined because I wanted to create and put myself out there!
Some people will always hit the dislike button. As long as the likes outweigh the dislikes by a decent margin I don't see a problem.

If the dislikes are close to, or higher than the likes then I would likely think that either the video was contentious (which may not be a bad thing), or it was genuinely poor in some area (such as editing / audio). If it's the latter then I would dig into the problem. If it's the former, then I'd probably produce more content along those lines! I think people are more likely to not leave comments if it's because the quality is poor in some way.

I don't see it as disrespectful. I've left a dislike on videos on my favourite channel because I thought some were poor. I've not always left a comment when I've done this. I certainly didn't see it as saying 'I hate what you've done', it's more like casting a vote.

On one channel I frequent, which puts up 6-10 vids a week, every single vid has 1 dislike. It kinda amuses me as I imagine it's the same angry person who wastes a part of their day going to a channel they hate just to leave a dislike.
I think that it may direct the viewers a bit. What if it was a really bad video? What if there was like abuse and nobody was reporting it? Just my opinion