I think if it's judiciously used by viewers it's a useful thing, like when someone has a clickbait title or picture and the video is nothing about what it claims to be, it deserves a dislike. Also if something is an obvious ripoff.

One problem with the dislike is that sometimes people don't seem to understand what it's for. Like, if someone is giving tragic news in a video, that doesn't mean you should dislike the video. I think sometimes people don't want to "like" tragic news, understandably, but that's not what the dislike button is for.
Although every YouTuber that wants to grow has to go through with it, I just see it as a way to remind myself, there is always something to fix.
I understand that whatever I do there are going to be people who don't like a video, but the dislike button frustrates me because it means people can just leave a dislike and then go, instead of telling me what they didn't like about the video and maybe giving me something to improve on next time.
I don't view the dislike button as an entirely bad thing at some point all of us are gonna face criticism its just a part of life its a good way just like likes to judge how much an audience likes something you get hella disliked you probably messed up and you can learn from that
I don't know...I think of the whole system as sort of a rating. If you were given up to 5 stars for a video, and 5 was "Really great!" and 0 was "I hate it!" then you'd probably get an average star rating somewhere in the middle to slightly higher than average on most videos. So the likes and dislikes serve that purpose in a very clunky sort of way. I have almost never seen a video that has more dislikes than likes anywhere, so someone has to really feel strongly in order to hit that dislike button. And sometimes, if you're saying something controversial, a high number of dislikes means you're hitting an audience you might not have previously.
It's a tricky topic now that I think about it. I feel that a dislike is warranted if there is legit feedback to go along with it. The worse thing is people who don't really watch the video, leave a dislike and leave just because. This happened to me pretty early in my channel days and it did hurt my feelings slightly because I was just starting out. However, I've grown to respect the opinions as of others if they leave a dislike out of proper reasons. However, I feel like if Youtube did a Star system and left the exact numbers out like Netflix, it could somewhat remedy the situation (but I don't think it would ever happen)
Unlike the virtual world (Social Networking world), "likes and dislikes" are an emotional behavior and in the real life world, if two persons meets each other and one of them sense some kind of unlovely situation then its often most people tends to hidden their emotion dislikes in their hurts.

While using the internet discussion, people always feel comfortable to make dislikes online remotely, and this is the bad point.
I hate DISLIKES feature, even though its good for rating, but I find it disrespectful. YOUTUBE should really change this system. It hurts me to the core.