I'm shocked Grumps have less than the Pewds. I feel Grumps are better in terms of doing games people like plus Danny's life talks are really good. Pewds seems to do only like one genre while Grumps do a lot yet are only at two million.

Well, they're at 3 million now!
But I agree with you; their growth is annoyingly slow for the level of content they're putting out there.
YouTube is a free platform that plays by its own rules. I think they could elevate anyone they wanted to PewDiePie status within a few months through dedicated effort, and I suspect that they already push to elevate certain channels.
I can't remember exactly what he said, but in the BroKen podcast that Pewds does with CinnamonToastKen, he said that a lot of his subs are becoming bigger fans of Markiplier and JackScepticeye (Sp?) so maybe one of those will knock him off the top spot. We shall see, I guess :)
I personally think that someone will surpass pewdiepie because In these days some people are getting over 10 million with ease. For example: Jack, Vanoos gaming, Markplier and etc... There are some people that can be really creative but pewdiepie recently I think is going lower with the creativity because he know that whatever he upload he will get million and million of views.
I think PewDiePie will remain the largest subbed channel, at least a long while. I know he's currently working on RevelMode and that will be a whole 'nother network - not too sure if it'll be similar to YouTube with people making/moving their channels there and uploading videos - so maybe once it gets up and running he'll get too busy with that to do YouTube as much, but who knows.

I know that the next actual channel with the most subs is HolaSoyGerman (I have no idea what his content is) but he's in the 26 mil area and still far from PewDiePie's 42 mil
I'm shocked Grumps have less than the Pewds. I feel Grumps are better in terms of doing games people like plus Danny's life talks are really good. Pewds seems to do only like one genre while Grumps do a lot yet are only at two million.

Grumps are NOT kid friendly. If you want to be as big as Pewds, you have to cater to the 8 year old ADD kids and stuff. I'd guess the Grump audience is considerably older.