Bryan S
Active Member
Still looking for a few people to join me and my boyfriend on a custom map called Templars of Hyrule, PvP Challenge Faceoff map that I made, and someone to play with us on a world we are building, or just friends for casual minecraft!
- Minecraft Username: Waytodawn2291 & Twobecomeone2377
- Platform you play on: PC
- Age: 24 & 38
- Gender: Males
- Country/Timezone: USA East Coast (EST)
- How long you've been playing Minecraft: 3-4 years on and off
- Some things that you like to do on the game: Survival, challenges, building.
- Any additional things you want to say: Currently building a new world on our LAN and wouldn't mind finding a few people to help
, also I record videos for my youtube channel and I would need whoever joins us on the Templars of Hyrule map to be comfortable talking on a mic via Curse Voice Client while I record us playing the game. As to make things easier and less awkward, we will only play with people who are 18+.