Small channels TURN ADS OFF!

Why turn off ads?

Total nonsense. The viewer can easily click through them anyway.

If the content is worthy/good then the viewer will watch.

If you put up crap without ads the viewer will not watch.

Simple as that.
I think people watching YouTube are used to getting ads and won't care - if they do, they're probably already using AdBlocker.

I'll add monetization on my videos regardless of my size due to the fact that I put work into it, and if it happens to receive a lot of views, it would definitely be nice to be rewarded. I do of course make videos for fun, not the money, but still.
Best way to never grow your channel is to turn ads off. Youtube promote video without ads much less than videos with ads.

I have read numerous tests regarding that, but have yet to find one that offers concrete proof. If you have, I'd love to read the source.
I have read numerous tests regarding that, but have yet to find one that offers concrete proof. If you have, I'd love to read the source.
Nobody knows for sure, but it would makes sense. I would for sure do it if I would be starting a company. Why bother spending millions and millions into infrastructure, making loss year on year to host videos for free?

I could also turn it around and say something like "please prove to me that turning ads on makes you grow slower" or "please prove to me that people who clicked on your video to watch it, decide not to watch it when the ad starts rolling".
I used to have a small gaming channel, and monetized everything. It turned out one of my Minecraft parody videos hit 20k, and I made about $50 on it. It was nice money. If you don't like ads, just get Adblock
As someone who has received a paycheck from monetizing my videos, I do not know why you wouldn't put ads on your videos.... Okay so maybe one or two people clicked off because they were too "lazy" to skip the ad. But for those who subscribe to my videos and support me, I can spend the money they helped me earn right back into my videos, giveaways, etc. Yes I am a small YouTuber... but I still deserve to make money. How else can I improve? Equipment isn't free.
I turned off my ads on new videos for several months as an experiment and did not see a change in views. I did see my ad rates quadruple, but that could have been coincidence with the time of year. I'm just keeping monitization on so I can eventually get the $100 for the animal shelter then I might turn it off again.
I',m definitely interested in turning it on lol but I def won't unless I get an insane amount of subs and views to the point where it would be worth it. I think of myself when I find videos, if I have to watch an ad before the vid and its a small channel I just won't watch it because I get too impatient and there's other content out there. With a bigger youtube channel I wait because I'm usually subscribed and expect that I will like it. so in that i don't turn mine on
I',m definitely interested in turning it on lol but I def won't unless I get an insane amount of subs and views to the point where it would be worth it. I think of myself when I find videos, if I have to watch an ad before the vid and its a small channel I just won't watch it because I get too impatient and there's other content out there. With a bigger youtube channel I wait because I'm usually subscribed and expect that I will like it. so in that i don't turn mine on
Like I said above... why do only "big" youtubers deserve money. How will you improve your contents quality without buying equipment? Youtube will literally pay for that if you turn on ads. Sure not right away, but the people viewing your videos WANT to support you... and all they have to do is watch an ad. Frankly if you're too lazy to press skip ad on my channel and click off right away, thats on you.. not me!