Comedic Gamer and Professional... sh*t
No problem, you're in!I feel like I'm applying for a job lol
- Age:19 (20 in August)
Subscriber count: 94
Country:United States
YouTube name: Rozcoe
Channel link (If you've already set it up with YTTalk, put "N/A"): YouTube .com/user/E3Labs
Games (if a lot, put your top 5 games): Top five games I have been playing lately are Minecraft, Garry's mod, BO3, Gta V and Cs:Go!
Skype (must have):Rozcoe Dash
Mics: (figured this would be important)
Blue yeti professional mic and a blue snowball mic!
Recording platforms: (Also figured this would be good to know) I just started doing pc, been recording on xbone for the longest.
Thank you. This is great for small channels to group up and join together! Plus it doesn't seem to be one of the monopolizing organizations out there!
I hope to hear from you soon. Oh and if you have Twitter can you message me there? I'd prefer it over Twitter than on skype.
Twitter: @Rozcoe Dash
The only way the group communicates is in a chat over Skype, so you're going to have to get used to that sorry xD.
We also recently made a community channel for our group, don't remember if I mentioned that in the post, but of you need a little attention, support and constructive criticism, feel free to submit a video. I'll send a link if you want to.
See you around man :b