I don't know how to reply to people individually, but thanks for the tips. I may do videos every other day, or just 3 days a week. I was originally doing mon-fir, but I may change it. I'm still not sure though, I think my videos are pretty good quality. Just no one is seeing them.
Even though I do it, it doesn't seem like it's a good idea. As people have said, quality over quantity. Also playing the right games and stuff, so if a new game does come out I think it's fine to upload a bunch of videos on that.
Upload as frequent as you want. Do what makes YOU happy. Uploading lots of content will obviously bring more subs, but as long as you enjoy it who cares.
Upload as frequent as you want. Do what makes YOU happy. Uploading lots of content will obviously bring more subs, but as long as you enjoy it who cares.

Uploading lots of content will not bring more subs if your content is not quality. In fact it will make you look like you aren't putting effort in your videos and just uploading to have a video uploaded.
Yes quality over quantity for sure. I would say 1-2 videos per week. Gives you more time to film and edit and think about thumbnails and content more. Also you can build up a que.
also you said you didn't want to think about a certain series you made? Make videos you enjoy making. Do what you enjoy, because viewers can see sense that.
Uploading once daily would lead to a disaster, because:
1) You'd get burned out real quick.
2) You'd overwhelm your subs with your content. Along with short attention spans, their focus are divided among all videos. That's why the playlist exists.
In my opinion, uploading every single day is very hectic and I'm sure that you won't be able to stick to this schedule for long time unless you need little editing on your videos. You'll hardly have time for yourself.
Nope, uploading once a day won't get you anywhere. You upload as much as your viewer base can bare. And when you just start out you don't need multiple videos a week. People will get bored of it real quick.

^ This guy speaks the truth. I've said this countless times.