$.36 cents confirmed from RED stream, however again WAY too early to tell as most users are still enjoying their first free month. Not until mid-December will I truly see the potential of the earnings. I'm eager to see if the stream will pick up from users who are using Adblock to counter the ads displayed on my videos. Even an extra $80 in addition to my regular earnings would be a nice little spiff I don't mind having. This was created for the sole purpose of getting revenue in from the ones who are circumventing the traditional way YT and us as creators make any income off our videos.
During the one month trial no earnings will be displayed, this can mean 1000's of views that would've been monetized that based on the sub model, will not yield any earnings; not for YT and not for us as the creators. This is a tough pill to swallow, but as the old saying goes; gotta take two steps backwards sometimes to take more forward.
Currently the model offers two paid incentives to creators:
1) A basic view, same as your current auction ad market; this is on a video that is not saved on offline content viewing (one of RED's features). This yields a small cut from the $10/mo fee, geared at the individuals using techniques to not watch the ad period (such as Adblock); a cent earned from them is better than a cent not earned at all.
2) A saved content view, YT syncs the offline content watch time and in return also provides a spiff from the $10/mo fee, this is again revenue you would've missed out on when someone using an Adblock that may have watched your video before; no matter what the spiff is; it's still something you would have not had previously.
RED's model is to get the lost money from what technology had done to the ad market, CPM's are low because CTR's are down due to advertisers not finding it as profitable when most of the public (I wouldn't say most, but many) are not even watching the ads. RED's model is to recoup this revenue from this audience and share it with you, me and all of us in some form; again a penny earned is better than a penny never earned. This + your normal YT auction ad display on those who aren't using software to circumvent the system.
We just have to wait and see, it may take a month or two but I think it will certainly be awesome and a great move by Google to add on more revenue as a whole. Brilliant move imo.
What I said before and what I wish Google would've done other than use RED's sub model, is to create an algo of rotating unpredictable, name changing and server changing delivery of ads that adblocks cannot predict; thus breaking them all and making them unable to provide a user with a way of circumventing and intercepting the ad. This would've been the ultimate solution. However since Hulu, Vimeo, Netflix and a lot of other players offer sub models, RED seemed the easiest thing to implement. I hope it works out for us; again a penny earned is better than a penny never received!