Gaming PS4 Gaming Collab


Hey All!

I would love to start a PS4 Gaming Collab! I am new to this forum and to Youtube as an uploader however I am not new to games as I have been playing since the SNES days and would love to share my passion with you guys and the world.

A few requirements:

- 20+ Age
- PG-13. This means no cursing.
- Flexible schedule. I am currently available to collab on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Games I would love to collab on(PS4)
- GTA V(Exploration, Races, Adversary, Heist Challenge, etc)
- NBA 2K16 (Pro-AM, Park)
- Diablo 3(anybody wanna run Diablo 2 on PC????)
- The Division (Starting new character)

Since you cannot PM me here because I'm new, you can contact me via my Twitter or FB.

Facebook: /krisharpergaming
Twitter: /KHarper_Gaming