
Active Member
I started my YT channel last year with a few german videos, but cancelled that and restarted in December 2015, with english videos.
I make somewhat unconventional comedy videos, and I have a preference for making videos that have an intentionally nonsensical plot just for the lulz, as well as intentionally bad effects, because I try to make my videos so bad they're good. There is also an abundance of weird, surreal moments, especially ones that don't connect to anything and are just there for the sake of it.

One thing I already know is that the upload consistency hasn't been the best, sometimes I upload a lot for a few months, then there is a hiatus of a month or so, then I return. :/

Anyways, please help me improve by reviewing my channel.
Thank you. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1479067630,1479067040][/DOUBLEPOST]What I would like to know specifically:
-Are my videos funny?
-What's funny and what isn't?
-Overall style
humor is subjective. whats funny you might not be funny for me. find someone you like on youtube then try and spin off their stlye. Good Luck!
Well, that's true. Also, yes, I did just that, although my channel isn't really a spin-off at all, it takes some inspiration from other YouTubers though.

If you don't find it funny, that's still feedback, from my perspective, but I will also be glad about feedback regarding, for example, the pace of my videos. Are there too many scenes that go on for too long, or are some things too fast? Should I do more or less jumpcuts? Is my comedic timing okay? Is the social commentary too blatant, or not noticeable enough?
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