I've Got It
What are your opinions on posting music covers and originals without a filmed music video using art instead? Would that stop you from listening?
During this time of year my schedule with work and my involvement in the local community theater gets really busy until about July, but I want to start posting more. So that when that time of year comes I will have still posted instead of having a gap of not uploading. Hopefully, I can continue to build an audience during that time. I like variety, but with the limited time I have I will focus on my main passion which is music. My goal is to post new music every Tuesday. I do plan on sometimes filming music videos to go with the cover, but don't know how often that will be. Most of the time I plan on posting covers with a drawing I've done. (Like my recent cover of "Go The Distance" if you are wanting an example.) I am also hoping I can save up and get a better camera to make better videos in the future. Just wondering what others thought about something like this. Thanks for any input!
During this time of year my schedule with work and my involvement in the local community theater gets really busy until about July, but I want to start posting more. So that when that time of year comes I will have still posted instead of having a gap of not uploading. Hopefully, I can continue to build an audience during that time. I like variety, but with the limited time I have I will focus on my main passion which is music. My goal is to post new music every Tuesday. I do plan on sometimes filming music videos to go with the cover, but don't know how often that will be. Most of the time I plan on posting covers with a drawing I've done. (Like my recent cover of "Go The Distance" if you are wanting an example.) I am also hoping I can save up and get a better camera to make better videos in the future. Just wondering what others thought about something like this. Thanks for any input!