Yo! I've started a new YouTube channel and started uploading also. I think my videos are off to a good start, but I would love the opinion of other people. If you could, please look at my channel and tell me your opinion of what is good, bad, and what could be improved. Be blunt and be honest. All opinions are valued. Thank you for helping out a fellow YouTuber!
Hey Achilless,

There are a couple of things that you could improve on. One is the quality and loudness of the sound. Not sure if it is your mic, but I am sure that with a bit of good editing you could make yourself sound much better. The volume is quite low and sometimes hard to understand, it also then makes it not as interesting.

You should also work a bit on the editing of the videos, there are a lot of parts in which everyone is silent and you are just walking of waiting, which could be easily cut off, the viewer does not necessarily want to see the whole path that you took, but wants to see what you got up to, what happened, something funny, something interesting.

Just with those two changes you will drastically improve your videos. Hope it helps and best of luck with your channel!
Hey Achilliess

I agree with Valerik, i also think you have made your thumbnails well but however your h1z1 gameplays are very choppy like. and also well done with your tags.