Massive drop in views on kid channels

Same here and we do 3D animation. It’s not worth making anymore.
Based on how many kid directed videos and creators who know they have millions of kids watching but will claim the don't market to them, I feel like creators who are marking their videos for kids are all suckers. We're trying to be honest about things and taking a big financial lose while all these other channels will probably suffer no conciquences for marking their videos as not for kids. While us as creators cleary can see who a creator is targeting, the FTC will never be able to prove intent on it when the creator will state, we don't target kids (even though they will have of the largest kid audiences on YouTube).

I would also like YouTube to explain how they are protecting children by disabling the mini player. PLEASE TELL ME HOW MY KIDS ARE SAFER BY THIS!!!! I think YouTube just told the FTC a bunch of stuff to sound like they are doing things, knowing the FTC won't even know what any of this means because if they did, their first question would still be, how are you not tracking children under 13 when they are watching all these videos that are being marked "not for kids" that have huge kid audiences!
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Yep. Resounding gong of reason here. Change niche family vloggers (bonggg). Change niche kids vloggers (bonnggg). Go. Go now. Don't stand there staring out into the ocean waiting for something to happen for this sinking ship.
Quoting myself above. You know how when you throw a bowling ball a bit foul and you don't even bother turning around to see if it hit the gutter before you sit down? Please do that right now. Change lanes. YouTube took all of the grease off of the kids niche.
whose views are down?
I wonder who makes 13+ if their revenue went up like crazy
Our views don't seem to off right now. We haven't put out a new video since the change so have no idea what that is going to look like but I guess will find out soon enough. Earnings are terrible.
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At the moment that they implemented the changes, one of the videos that had been suggesting more in my channel (which I advised by my MCN had marked for adults) fell totally, approximately 5 hours after that I marked it for children and immediately returned to to be suggested, I think that the content marked for +13 simply will not appear in the recommendations for the children, little by little they will be cleaning the feed completely so that if you watch a video -13 you are only recommended -13 do nothing by not marking their content as for children because children were not shown if they did not mark it, the income fell sharply, for a million views approximately paid 60 dollars, but I think that YouTube is going to solve this little by little or at least I want to be positive.
I have seen channels that were receiving millions of views before day 07 but after day 07 their channels have been stagnant, because they simply marked content for +13 and stopped showing the children.
I have a couple of videos for + 13 exactly 3 videos with which I am experimenting to see what happens with them and understand a little how this whole whirlpool works