Gaming Looking for PC/PS4 peeps to record with.


In the process of getting back into YouTube as of right now. I’m not gonna lie, I did take a 2 year hiatus from YT for some reasons, but I’m back and ready to get into the full swing of things with other serious content creators, ready to put smiles on peeps faces.
I’m 23 looking for people preferably 17 or older. I play mostly on the PS4 and PC and am up for playing stuff like GMOD, Gta V(I have it for both pc and PS4), and other games on steam ect to record dumb funny moments. Also really looking forward to starting a multiplayer survival series for Minecraft if anyone’s interested in that. It’d be nice if you had some decent equipment to record with, but it’s not necessary.
If you’re already part of a group and still interested in recording with me, lemme know, I’m not trying to start a group if I don’t have to. I can usually vibe really well with most laid back gamers out there.
My Equipement:
Microphone- Audio Technica AT 4040
Game Capture Device- Elgato HD 60 pro/ OBS for PC
Face Cam(Whenever I use it) Nikon D5300
Feel free to just add me on discord if you’d like @ Zapadap1578
My YouTube Channel back when I uploaded and will continue to upload to:
What time would you be able to record?
For the record I’m on Central Standard time. That being said early to mid day is when I like to record most. So basically 9-5 Monday-Thursday. My schedule is semi open beyond that, but I do have an evening job on Fridays and the Weekends.
I wrote you on discord . Im on PC, 25yrs, Mic: Rod nt1a
Your record time would be good for me too :)