Length of intros?

I used to have a short 2 second intro card that I liked, but I took it away because I watch other youtubers with intros and I'm almost always annoyed with them. So 0 seconds for me.
I keep my intro at 5 seconds, usually. :) It also depends on what channel type do you have, by my opinion, intro should not have the same lenght for like gaming channels and tech channels :)
I tried a 3 second intro but after a few videos with and without intro, I analysed what it did with retention. Overall, I was losing around 8% of my viewers during those 3 seconds, not worth it in my opinion. Better keep your content lean, especially in the first 15 precious seconds.
I had my intro for 15 seconds when I first began, big mistake. Now it's no longer than 5 seconds. Mine does try and set the mood for my videos though :p
Ours is about 8 seconds, but we start with short a teaser first. I wonder if it is too long sometimes, but people don't seem to click off at that point.