Just shared my channel with friends.. feeling nervous!

People will always have their opinion, and you will NEVER, NEVER please everyone. I personally keep my videos secret because people I know wouldn't understand why I spend so long doing YouTube videos. You're baring your soul, so I understand how you feel. You've chosen to share, so let people have their say, and regardless of their opinions, keep going.
Hey, I totally felt the same! There's something odd about the feeling of showing people (who know you) another side of you. Eventually you start to care less and less.

OR you can just make a completely separate "artists" page. Always an option (that I still consider time to time).
Good luck! Some of my co-workers finally discovered my channel, which is kinda overdue since I always post updates on my Facebook. I'm surprised no one has asked me yet why I call myself Mark Rodriguez on my videos, lol.
I shared my videos to friends. It felt weird at first, few criticism, yet a lot of good feedback. I never thought sharing it with a few friends, would scale out to every other friend. Now I got more attention and gaining more views. Sharing is a good, it gets the motor running on your channel.

I had friends that came up to me many times, even co-workers. "HEY I've seen your videos" I always tell them to keep checking my other videos (the ones they haven't seen yet) or I have a great one coming up and stay tuned. Get suggestions from friends, so you have more ideas. Even ask some of them if they want to be in your video, if your comfortable in that part. It's always great to keep growing, eventually you'll drop the awkward part. This is the first challenge of them all to come.

Keep your head up!
I was also kinda nervous when i showed people that i knew my channel as well. In some of my videos i act like myself so it wasn't that difficult to share, but in some of my other videos i put on a personality as a joke and i thought people would think thats how i actually was but they understood. If your proud of your work then people that care about you will probably be proud of it too. Hope this helps.
I felt exactly the same! Especially because I decided to promote my videos on my personal instagram where people I havent talked to in 5 years are on and still like my photos haha. I got over it when I (nervously) posted an video on my college club Facebook page and a girl in the club I'm not really close to passed by me on campus and said she liked my vlog! It was such a great feeling and it meant so much to me so I feel a lot more confident about my videos. (Whenever I post a vlog and she sees me she says she watched it haha)
Yea, I get really nervous about such things too, so I've decided to save my emotions not to tell people I know anymore. But then I created a facebook page for my channel, and invited all my friends to it. And then I said I wouldn't add anymore, but then whenever I get a new friend on facebook, I add them after a couple weeks or a month too. lol. Same with Instagram. In the end, it's all fun and laughable anyway. Enjoy the process, don't think about it too much, work to get better and work to just have more fun.
So, today for the first time, I shared my channel on my personal facebook page and I've been feeling really nervous
I think I understand how you feel. None of my friends/family knows Im running my channel (thought I would wait until it hopefully gets bigger and I know my concept is good) But yeah I understand why you are nervous....Best of luck to you and as far as I can see your videos are quite good so nthing to feel embarrassed about:)