Is subs4subs worth it


Hi friends it's just a quick question I wanted to ask you about the youtube subs4subs topic.

These days they are so many website offerings these services.
I just want to know is that worth it.
The theory behind Sub4Sub is that small channels can get a fair amount of subscribers quickly to create the illusion that they've brought in a lot of traffic, and more people will organically subscibe due to the popularity. I looked into it too. I've honestly met 3 creators that we legitimately worth subscribing to and we've supported each other. The rest are view grabbers, who will more than likely unsubscribe. You're better off doing things the old fashioned way with SEO, Facebook/Twitter promotion, Engagement with the community in person, commenting on other videos, and i guess maybe an Ad Campaign. It's a slog, but I've noticed that some of these Sub4Sub guys will have 1000 subscribers, but their videos have a third of the views mine get. Example, I put out one of our signature videos a few Saturdays ago. Our loyal subscribers got us 60 views, whereas a guy with ten times as many subscribers as we have, only pulled 23. That same video is now over 140 views and the other one is lost in his new random jank. So the results speak for themselves. We got ten times the traffic with 1/10th of the subscribers.

Too Long, Didn't Read: Styxie is right. Sub4Sub is trash. Build a real network with real people.
I also wanted to say that subs4subs are trash but first wanted your suggestions thanks.
Right now I have only 5 subs but I am happy about that I earn them not s4s. It's make us happy that someone subscribe us for our hard work. Salute to those people.
If moderators want to close this topic do it.
I got what I need to know. See ya
Sub4sub is worth it if you want to get 5 subs in order to use social blade, or 100 subs for a custom url. Otherwise sub4sub is worthless.

I have 6 sub4sub, and those are the last for me.
Sub4sub is worth it if you want to get 5 subs in order to use social blade, or 100 subs for a custom url. Otherwise sub4sub is worthless.

I have 6 sub4sub, and those are the last for me.

Fair. You can usually get your first 10 within a day on your facebook.
I see this as a way to get a dead subscriber base meaning that you may have subscribers but they are not watching your videos equaling in a poor view to subscriber ratio.
Views > Subs. When you can pull in more views than your sub count it looks great. Just look at how Pewdiepie is doing with his 59 million subs and only getting 1-2 million views a video. He may be the "Largest YouTuber" subscriber wise, but he also has the largest dead subscriber base as well. If you cut down all the inactive and dead accounts he would probably be down to maybe 10 million active subscribers.