i just watch 2 of your video...
how to get a girlfriend and for honor | pre release gameplay | chivalary...
in my opinion.. because english is my 2nd language and it seems like you have the british accent.. its hard to get what you're saying when im not using my headphone... so i hope you can do some more balancing about your vocal sound... adjust the gain a bit... i think... i hope i can hear clearly your voice....
and for the branding... i think its too colorful for me.. and may be you can try to search what kind of channel art are trend these day... but this is gonna be subjective... but i like almost all of your thumbnails... except thumbnails for your first video...
and last, i think you should put some more description what the videos all about.. and try to put title that more clickbait interesting but don't misleading.. i didn't mean your title not interesting enough, but i feel its gonna be hard to get exposed with that title, because the bigger youtuber might be has some title like you... so i think you should find some more specific for you title...
sory for my bad grammar and bad english... i tried to be honest here...
please no hurt feeling... no offense okay broh... we're cool...
so yeah keep it up broh, you're doing it pretty well...