what could I improve in

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New Member
YouTube channel: LordFahFah

You don't have to sub or like the video just tell me ways that I can improve my video :D
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(I'm using your Pokemon GO Swatting video as a reference). Ok, well right of the bat, the audio for the gameplay is way to high. When the guns fire, they overpower your voice and it's distracting to the viewer from hearing you. Also, it sounds like in your video that you're either tired or bored. I'm not saying that you need to be hyperactive but be a bit more lively. Also, this might be your style so you can ignore this part if you want, but maybe turn down the swearing. However, one a brighter note, you're very well composed in your speech and you have little to no stutters or "uhhhs" in your speech, so good job on that.
So, I watched a part of your video. The one about the Pokemon GO swatting story. Main problem there is, CS:GO is too loud. The AWP shots cover your voice. Most commentators actually mute the background gameplay. Secondly, your thumbnails need work. If you're talking about a Pokemon go story that involved a streamer, you need to include that in your thumbnail. And you seemed to go off-topic from what I was able to understand. If you don't write scripts, you may want to consider it, I've found it really helps with staying on topic.

That's just my surface level criticism. Hope it helped.


EDIT: I always get ninja'd and it looks like I copy people xD
I've moved this to the Reviews & Channel Feedback Forum. ^_^

I also edited out the part about helping review other channels. It is no longer permitted to start a thread at YTtalk about reviewing other channels. There are lots of channels requesting reviews as individual threads in the Reviews and Channel Feedback forum. ^_^
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