I am a big Youtuber, Ask me anything.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wooodchuck would chuck wood?

And do you do youtube fulltime, or do you have a job on the side? If so do you ever plan on trying to go fulltime?
What does it feel like to be getting lots of views and subs?

Not that special to be honest, I'm always jealous of people who get more than me, which is f*****g psychopathic at this point.[DOUBLEPOST=1375379057,1375379033][/DOUBLEPOST]
How did you become a big youtuber :) and how does it feel :)

It feel good ^^ it happened kinda randomly.[DOUBLEPOST=1375379096][/DOUBLEPOST]
When rubbing my meats, should I use vinegar, mustard or beer along with my dry rub?

I would go for the beer.[DOUBLEPOST=1375379146][/DOUBLEPOST]
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wooodchuck would chuck wood?

And do you do youtube fulltime, or do you have a job on the side? If so do you ever plan on trying to go fulltime?

Well the first is a trickquestion, a woodchuck would never chuck wood.
Secondly, this is still a hobby for, maybe someday this might be my job if boxing doesn't work out for me.[DOUBLEPOST=1375379199][/DOUBLEPOST]
What's your favorite type of snack?

This one is crazy hard, I'm on a diet and there are so many things I want. Perhaps like chips or chocolate.[DOUBLEPOST=1375379244][/DOUBLEPOST]
How many slices of bacon can you eat in a minute?

Too many compared to the amount of excercise I can do in 10 minutes.[DOUBLEPOST=1375379332][/DOUBLEPOST]
Best advise you could give to smaller channels?

Also, what's the meaning of life?

Best advivce would be stay true to the things that make your channel unique, and always make the next video better than the previous.

The meaning of life is death, as in there is no meaning. We all live, and someday we all die. Moral codecs, good, evil, glory, meaningfull death is all an illusion, and the only truth is life.

Life is a sickness with 100% death rate, and we all gotta make the best of it.