How to grow a channel with little social media presence.


So I've been creating content for about two months now, sticking to a schedule of one every other week and trying to create content that isn't garbage. I'm not sure how long it takes to actually see growth, but thus far I'm seeing very little. After two months I've got a total view count of about two hundred. I don't really have a social media presence as I've never really used Facebook and my Twitter is a hundred years old and super inactive. Just looking for advice on how to reach a bigger audience and if my channel is actually growing as it should, or if I'm super behind with it.
Well, considering your first video hit 100 in the first month you've been uploading, I'd say that's pretty good. For your channel size and the time you started, those are good views. And 12 subs for a month is decent, too. The thing to consider is that YouTube's a grind. You're never really going to feel 100% satisfied with the results you have compared to the amount of effort you put into running the channel. But, in terms of growth, social media is really vital to reaching a bigger audience. Trying growing that simultaneously with your YouTube channel. And the people you meet over social media can gradually move over.
So I've been creating content for about two months now, sticking to a schedule of one every other week and trying to create content that isn't garbage. I'm not sure how long it takes to actually see growth, but thus far I'm seeing very little. After two months I've got a total view count of about two hundred. I don't really have a social media presence as I've never really used Facebook and my Twitter is a hundred years old and super inactive. Just looking for advice on how to reach a bigger audience and if my channel is actually growing as it should, or if I'm super behind with it.

I'd say it's extremely difficult without a social media presence. There's just no way people will know about your content. Sure you could use word of mouth, but how big is your social circle (I can probably get about 50 family and friends to watch my videos - which is hardly anything in youtube world). Unless you are part of some sort of club or you have special expertise in something and are already known, you definitely need a few social media platforms.
Get new accounts for reddit, twitter and instagram, and post some content there to direct back onto your channel.
Hope it helps!
Just because your twitter account is ancient means nothing. Hashtags and engagement with other channels is timeless. If you are in an active niche, you could revive an old twitter account in a few day's time with some basic SEO and active participation in your niche.
Disagree with the opinion of needing a social media presence, especially if you're just starting out. You certainly can get far without having strong followings to begin with. Are we going to assume that all major YouTubers "made it" because they had a lot of followers on Twitter, FB, IG, etc? No. Can it help? Sure.

Don't focus on your social just yet. You do want to have it available, as in fill out your profile pictures, banner, information, and so on, but you don't have to actively engage it right now. Your goal is to find out how to spread your content onto the internet. Whether that's posting on sites like reddit (with cautious traversing) or other relevant forums, that's your go-to. You also have to hone into topics that are popular in your particular niche. Improve your content and find the best way to streamline it.
So I've been creating content for about two months now, sticking to a schedule of one every other week and trying to create content that isn't garbage. I'm not sure how long it takes to actually see growth, but thus far I'm seeing very little. After two months I've got a total view count of about two hundred. I don't really have a social media presence as I've never really used Facebook and my Twitter is a hundred years old and super inactive. Just looking for advice on how to reach a bigger audience and if my channel is actually growing as it should, or if I'm super behind with it.

Highly recommend using Facebook, twitter, Google Plus, etc. Make the social media pages related to your channel's topic. It takes time but the more you share your videos on social media, the more you will enjoy the growth of your channel. It does not happen overnight. Some of the most successful Youtube channels did not experience overnight success. It came in their second or third years. They stayed with it by producing constant content and shared it everywhere they could.