How to devide your time between youtube and others


Well-Known Member

I really enjoy making my videos and being in contact with all the content creators for YouTube, but recently I have found a bit difficult to divide my time between editing and be an active member with the YouTube community, as well than other platforms (Facebook/instagram) and studying for tests in uni, moving places, starting to work between others.

Do you have any suggestions or tips that are helpful for you? :)

I've never really noticed much of a time drain, but I use dual monitors so I can multitask editing and other task or friends. If I get behind in editing then it tends to effect my personal life away from the computer. But with that it's just time management, so I try to get my videos scheduled at least two weeks in advance.
Simple. Never sleep. EVER!

Or you could make a schedule of things you want to do throughout the day.
This is mine (loosely)
Wake up->shower->breakfast->socializing media or other wise-> Work/school->check up on social over lunch if you want to ->continue school/work->get home and relax a bit->make some videos/studying and homework if needed-> edit videos and render-> go have some fun/watch tv/do something entertaining (socialize if you want)-> finish all final things on video (annotations and such)-> chill out then go to bed-> rise, rinse, and repeated until da weekend :D
Simple. Never sleep. EVER!

Or you could make a schedule of things you want to do throughout the day.
This is mine (loosely)
Wake up->shower->breakfast->socializing media or other wise-> Work/school->check up on social over lunch if you want to ->continue school/work->get home and relax a bit->make some videos/studying and homework if needed-> edit videos and render-> go have some fun/watch tv/do something entertaining (socialize if you want)-> finish all final things on video (annotations and such)-> chill out then go to bed-> rise, rinse, and repeated until da weekend :D
That's a good idea, I actually use Trelio an online organizer to keep track of my work, projects, and social life =P
Trello's a pretty neato website from what I've heard. Guess I'd better start putting all my stuff into Trello now so I can keep my inconsistent as heck channel from going haywire.
eh he I'm to tired when I'm spelling a site I use normally wrong XD. But yeah it's a good site, takes a little to get used to but it's got some useful functions. I also use it for group projects. If I'm working with someone else I can add them to a card and they can post on that card so when they are so far along in the process they can keep me up to date without having to contact me.
I am not the best one at this personally. However, I would suggest to finish the most important first then go down the line. If you find uni the most important, finish any studying or homework or projects firsts then go to maybe editing your videos. When you are done with editing your video you can go and interact with the community.
The most important thing is to stay organised. I try to schedule each day so I always know what I need to do, making me less likely to get distracted or start procrastinating. I also set my self weekly and monthly goals. A good thing to do is to write them down including a description of how you want to achieve them and why you want to achieve them. This way you're more likely to work towards achieving your goals because every time you look at the list you are reminded of their importance.

Hope that helps. :)
For me, I find ticky boxes do wonders xD. I have a list of all the bits I need to animate, or edit etc. and I simple tick when im done, it becomes such a second nature to me, that if i havent ticked a box in a while i feel guilty and it gets me to work again :)