How often do you upload?

Hello guys,

I'll make this question here, I think it's related.

I understand that vloggers should post at least once a week, if not more.
But what about the non-vloggers? For example I'll make comedy sketches. I didn't start my channel yet, I dont even have a name yet, but I'm already filming and editing videos.
I want to have at least 5 or 6 completed videos before I start the channel. But in this case, it will be impossible to upload consistently, like once a week. Once every other week can be fine and I dont know if I can do it in a consistent way, because I have a job too.
Ideas come and go, but not all of them are good to use and I don't want to make videos with poor quality, so this things take time: time to develop the idea (if any at that time) and write it, time to shoot and time to edit.

My question is, do viewers/subscribers normally understand this of not posting very often? Can a channel still grow?

Thanks ;)
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I have pretty much gone to uploading every other week now. I have not yet seen much negative effect of that. my views an watch time are still trending upwards at about the same rate. subscriber rate may have leveled off a bit but it kind of goes in waves anyway so hard to say if its directly related but most of my views come from suggested video sometimes it takes a few weeks for youtube to find good sujested homes for my video's so besides the initial first 2 days of traffic after a upload sometimes it takes a couple 2-3 weeks for the long-term traffic to really start kicking in. and even then once it finds other video's that mine does well in for suggested views it takes a little time for the video to work its way up the rankings.

iv found for my video's sometimes its just more than I can really do to upload every single week. I even have about 5-6 video's ahead filmed but depending on the complexity of the project in the video edit can take a good bit of time. iv done some simple video's that I can edit in an hour but a video that I'm working with several hours of raw footage to try to make into a preferably 10 min or less video it can take a long time to edit.

if I edit in steps I don't have to spend near as much time sitting down at any given time to edit. first get the raw footage downloaded and put into its own folder on the computer. then get all the files into the editing program in sequence. then make very rough cuts, cut my 3 hours of footage into 15-20 mins. then go back and re cut everything down closer yet to try to get it within a few mins of my target video length. watch it start to finish make cuts again. repeat until I'm happy then and then go threw the audio. I try to normalize my audio a bit where if say I have a part where I'm hammering on steel I may separate part of the audio track and reduce the volume of it. then I may add music and do other tweaks. so yeah some video's can take a very large amount of time just to edit.

id like to get back to weekly uploads at some point if I film something that is only 15 mins of footage and I can edit in less than an hour ill try to have kind of bonus uploads. I do like to break up involved stuff with easy stuff too. the easy stuff tends to be lighter feels more entertaining to me. where the more involved stuff to me can be a little dry cause your trying to cram so much into a watchable video length. the more involved video's have for the most part been doing better for me in my analytics though.

basically I'm giving up on trying to make a upload every single week. I'm just far to busy right now to try to make that happen. and so far I'm not seeing any major consequences. my video's do have long term growth potential though. if your making video's that are on trending topics or the most there going to be watched is when there first uploaded then upload frequency is probably a lot more important.
i upload once a week (or at least try to) and i will try to upload on wednesday/thursday evening area, according to expert, that's the best day/time to upload for small youtubers, as that's the time with the least activity of uploading from top youtubers. (basically means your videos won't get swallowed by the bigger ones. Works similar to instagram really choose the right hashtags and your post will do well.
i upload once a week (or at least try to) and i will try to upload on wednesday/thursday evening area, according to expert, that's the best day/time to upload for small youtubers, as that's the time with the least activity of uploading from top youtubers. (basically means your videos won't get swallowed by the bigger ones. Works similar to instagram really choose the right hashtags and your post will do well.

Thank you for posting
My goal is to once a week with maybe a podcast. Every other type of video like maybe every other week is the plan for the future, the problem they take long to make and edit with my personal life. I would be great to twice a week, but I going to try to do once a week for now as a goal maybe.
I upload once a week, but only because my videos take ages to make. It consists of something like this:
Researching: 1-2 hours.
Script Writing: 1-2 hours.
Voice recording: 1-2 hours.
Video editing: 3-4 hours. <- embarrassingly, sometimes even longer than this!

Though I'm hoping that as I become more proficient at making them the process will speed up a bit.
I upload about once a month, I spend on average 30+ hours on each of my videos. I want to find a way to streamline the process which is why I now have a folder with several general purpose resources I have found. Music, Videos, pictures... anything royalty and copyright free that I like.
My first video took me 2 ~ 3 months to make because I started from scratch (I have an animation channel) and I wasn't familiar at all with the different softwares, editing, etc., and learning new skills while creating takes a lot of time.

For now, I'll upload whenever I have finished a video, but I hope I'll be able to come up with a more regular schedule in the future (posting once a month on the same day would be nice).
Ayoooo Catpuccino101 I've been seeing you everywhere on this forum, keep up the grind!

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I upload about once a month, I spend on average 30+ hours on each of my videos. I want to find a way to streamline the process which is why I now have a folder with several general purpose resources I have found. Music, Videos, pictures... anything royalty and copyright free that I like.
Hmmm I would think of ways to make shorter form content to keep the audience engaged on your channel until then!

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