How often do you upload?

I know that many people upload daily, or many times a week. I'm interested to know that the general trend is, since I really post whenever I feel like it :p and I have time to. Are you consistent? How often do you upload? And more important: How long does it take you to make a video?

For me: a very simple and loopy track with few intruments could take 2 days, but for anything else, it could take from 5 days to a week.
For me I post almost daily I tried to post as close to daily as I can get and it usually takes me about 2 hours to make my videos it takes me anywhere between 15 minutes to 20 minutes and recording and it takes me the rest of the time to put in the rest of the information title description tags on YouTube and of course a thumbnail the thumbnail you can never forget and don't use three options YouTube gives you they always make you look horrible custom thumbnails are key good luck
Since I makes travel and flight videos it depends on when my next trip with be so I cannot upload on a regular basis. On the other hand if I make a trip that's at least 3 new videos to upload (2 of the flights, 1 of the city I'm visiting) that I upload usually about 1,5 weeks apart.
I upload once a week, I want to start doing twice a week but my videos take forever to edit but I’m still going to go for twice a week.
I actually upload 4x per week, which has increased dramatically over time. I originally uploaded both to YouTube and Vid.Me, twice each per week, but when Vid.Me went under, I just upped my YouTube videos and now they are mirrored over on BitChute, which automatically grabs my videos from Youtube without any input from me.
whenever I got some footage or an idea.
and all ...4 subscribers appreciate it.
...including my wife and father...
:) :P

Guess it is a hobby, so, I don't have a schedule.
Nevertheless I always kept an 'once the month' rule
that I sometimes broke if I had work or family issues to resolve.

As for 2018 I (re)started uploading stock footage just to keep some
consistency and be usefull to others. That got me the 4th subscriber...
Having watching everyone strugle to keep a tight scedule,
I have decided that either I had to upload killer entertainement
that is something that I am not capable to do,
either trying to upload things that might be useful to someone.
If you can, post 2-3 times a week, I'm definitely guilty of not doing this but try to make time and you'll get nothing but great results :)

Now that is some good advice!!
whenever I got some footage or an idea.
and all ...4 subscribers appreciate it.
...including my wife and father...
:) :p

Guess it is a hobby, so, I don't have a schedule.
Nevertheless I always kept an 'once the month' rule
that I sometimes broke if I had work or family issues to resolve.

As for 2018 I (re)started uploading stock footage just to keep some
consistency and be usefull to others. That got me the 4th subscriber...
Having watching everyone strugle to keep a tight scedule,
I have decided that either I had to upload killer entertainement
that is something that I am not capable to do,
either trying to upload things that might be useful to someone.

I understand what you are saying about stock footage
I myself use Videoblocks on a lot of my videos
I try as often as I can. Normally I'm busy with school, so I can only officially upload maybe 2 times a week.
I find that it really helps if you record on one day, and then set a time another day to edit. That way you don't have to finish it in one sitting.