Hey guys!! My name is Ryan and I make funny gaming videos on my channel and I get a lot of doubt because i want to be a youtuber. Even my parents don't believe in me.
But I see this happening a lot with small youtubers. Do you guys get a lot of doubt and if so how do you cope with it?

I used to back when I first started, but that was because I felt hopeless when I saw other big channels growing. I thought it was going to be easy back then, but I was wrong. I never really considered how time consuming and expensive it would become. I still held in there and did grow over time. However, I had to temporarily quit YouTube because of several problems going on in my life at the time. I didn't upload for about 2 years and when I came back all my work including my 256 subs were practically dead. I had to start over from scratch. It said I had +200 subs, but in reality it felt like zero. I was tempted to start a new channel, but I wanted to finish what I started. Now I have about 1100 subs and some awesome supportive viewers. It's not a lot to others, but it means so much to me. At this point I don't care about money or views. All I care about is the interaction with my subs. So if anything can be learned from my little story it's that you should never give up and keep trying your best. Eventually you will achieve what you want with enough hard work and perseverance. Bets of luck!
Fight through it man, but you should make vids because you love it. For me the drive is to at least entertain one person. A while ago I had a viewers friend comment on my video that he died from cancer but wanted to let me know that my videos made his days better. The most touching moment in my YT career. It made me cry but also that moment just motivates me so much.
That's a really amazing thing to experience. Congrats on having that significant an impact on someone's life.
I used to back when I first started, but that was because I felt hopeless when I saw other big channels growing. I thought it was going to be easy back then, but I was wrong. I never really considered how time consuming and expensive it would become. I still held in there and did grow over time. However, I had to temporarily quit YouTube because of several problems going on in my life at the time. I didn't upload for about 2 years and when I came back all my work including my 256 subs were practically dead. I had to start over from scratch. It said I had +200 subs, but in reality it felt like zero. I was tempted to start a new channel, but I wanted to finish what I started. Now I have about 1100 subs and some awesome supportive viewers. It's not a lot to others, but it means so much to me. At this point I don't care about money or views. All I care about is the interaction with my subs. So if anything can be learned from my little story it's that you should never give up and keep trying your best. Eventually you will achieve what you want with enough hard work and perseverance. Bets of luck!
thanks man it means a lot imma try my best to never give up
As a young entrepreneur I get a ton of doubt but I've learned to look passed the doubt because i'm doing what I love. :)
Yeah no one really believes that I can make it, especially the path that I'm gonna take after high school. The way I cope with it is, just visioning my self succeeding in the future. And I know how you feel my parents don't believe in me either. If you love what you do then it's possible you can do it!
Hi Ryan! Thanks for sharing your post. It is hard to hear people speak negatively about your hobbies and passions and I am sorry to hear that this is what you have been dealing with. However, I think that you should continue doing what you are doing, always strive to be better, and show those people who doubt you just how amazing and talented you really are! Keep with it!

I make videos because I love making videos. While I do promote and try to build an audience, it's not my primary reason for being on YouTube. I like to have a place to upload the stuff I make, and YouTube is the most popular, but if I were going to try to make a living out of making videos, it wouldn't be creative stuff like I'm doing now (most likely, I'd go into corporate communications for that).
I think being a youtube gamer is pretty hard these days, alot of people are trying to become it. But everything is possible, you just got to put in the time and effort. Also search for something that will make you unique in the youtube community that is how you are going to stand out.