How many videos should you upload a day?

I would actually say 0.
Quality over quantity.
try to really entertain people and make the content as good as possible.
that takes time.

I upload once a week
I've only been doing one video a day(mostly because of my poor upload speed).
One video a day is more than fine so in that way you are good. In some periods I only upload one video a month or maybe longer but my goal is one vid a week.. Anyways, as I said one vid a day is more than good but what I think you should do is to look at the quality of your videos. Yes I know you would probably say they are good, but take an honest look and see if there is room for improvement:) Also work vey hard on your SEO and of course your thumbnails too:up2:
My videos take 2-3 hours to edit, not counting the actual filming and sorting etc. Ones or twice per week for me at the most! I still have a day job and family :p