How long did it take you to get to 500 views and what's your youtube category ???

I can't really remember, I've been doing this for 3 years now... lol

But my first video now has over 800 views...

But really, it didn't start this way, have had a few lucky spikes in views that have helped get my channel off the ground.

My channel is mainly gaming but is a mix of a bunch of stuff that I am interested in.
Took me a couple of days, got shared on a Facebook page and my first video which only had 100 views on the first 2 days, ended up getting 2,000 by the end of the week. I've built a fairly solid base of subscribers now, just need to keep getting that number up.
If I look back it looks like I hit 500 views in my second month of activity. Just remember, don't stare blindly on those goals. They can lead you to a dark place, and suck all the fun out of YouTube!

I started out CarVlogging, then I added CarShows, Some CarReviews and other random stuff. I do a little-bit of everything really!
My first video was posted 3 months ago and since then I have a little over 8,000 views and 235 subscribers...So Idk...I market the hell out of it though.
A lot of my friends are supportive of my youtube channel, even though, I just started again. My morton arboretum video reached 1.2k within a week as they share it on their social media sites. I haven't built any subscribers yet as I tend to slack here and there. But my goal is weekly videos - Hopefully I'll get somewhere :)
Hey Hey I can't remember, wasn't looking at the time, but I've been doing this for about 6 month's and got 2600 views so far. Not too bad lol.

I do Spontaneous Comedy, Impressions, Deadpool Cosplay, Some Comic-Con and other stuff hahaha...
If YouTube had a category for me it would be: "Crazy" but for now it's closer to Comedy I think.