How do you structure your gaming videos?

When I do a game video, I research as much as I can to make sure nothing is left out and that it has info that will keep people watching and pass it on. Then I write out a script and record the voice over. Then I add music and make sure it's a good audio mix. Then I add the game parts to make the images follow the script. Thumbnails are last
10 - 15 Minutes depending on the game. Intro and outro included. We keep a timer up so we know when we're getting close to an end time.
I just checked out your channel and it's great. I don't think I've ever stumbled upon such a high quality gaming channel. Keep it up!
Hey guys!
I was just wondering how other gaming youtubers structure/record their videos. I usually record for around 20 mins for a 15 min video but not sure if I should be recording longer or perhaps not as long.

In terms of intros/outros for a series I feel they can interrupt my flow as I'll be stopping every 15 mins or so to do my outro (thanks for watching etc.) then will begin again with my intro (Alright guys we're playing etc.). Would it be better to just record loads so as to not interrupt my flow and only have the intro in the first vid of the series?

Basically just wondering how you guys go about recording a video/series and what works best for you?

I don't. I just record games on how i would play them myself when I'm not recording. I do about....15 to 30 mins video recordings depends on the game RPGs get longer video lengths for reasons. I barely do an Intro it's basically Hey guys welcome to (insert game here) sometimes I'll talk about the previous episode if there is one.
I don't. I just record games on how i would play them myself when I'm not recording. I do about....15 to 30 mins video recordings depends on the game RPGs get longer video lengths for reasons. I barely do an Intro it's basically Hey guys welcome to (insert game here) sometimes I'll talk about the previous episode if there is one.

Yeah that's what I've pretty much been doing! Think It's just a matter of cutting mine down to 10-20 mins rather than most of mine being between 20-30
Depends on the game honestly. You could have a good game and be able to use the entire recording or having to make a highlight reel from a few hours.

I always try to come up with a good intro to get the user's attention and go from there.
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