How do you balance YouTube with your life

As a dad of 2, with a full time job, it helps to really block out time in advance plus an understanding wife as well ^^ Like example i'll tell the kids okay daddy's got to be doing this of X day between this time and that. Also batch processing really helps, with advance planning (Like all the same shots, same angle), like when i take pics i also take pics at the same time for my thumbnails as well etc. Thinking back to my school days i think its doable to juggle both youtube and study :D 2 hours of uninterrupted time is pure gold for me.....
I have found the best balance. I upload all videos and schedule their dates to become public. It saves a lot of time from uploading everyday. I think care of everything in one setting. Then, I can focus on other aspects in life such as work and socializing.
I'm 15 so I'm currently in school and will be for a while and before it used to be so easy to balance my life but now I find myself confused as to which direction I'm going in and what I'm doing with my life. Anyone have any tips on how to keep your life prioritized and to balance school life with that of YouTube.


Yo take it from a veteran. I'm now in my 20s and have a full time job and still make time for it directly parallels to school. My best advice is - make time for what you love. If you love it, you'll find time to do it. Find ways to incorporate your YouTube stuff in your daily life so it doesnt take as long to film + knock out your school work early so you have more free time to edit and stuff. Trust me, as someone who has been there, you have ALL the time in the world right time only becomes less and less as you get older. Right now we make videos mostly when our kids are in bed and then I edit them at night before I go to sleep. When we daily vlog we just make it part of our day (which is the most fun).
I just realized this post is a year old...oh well.

I was in this exact situation back in high school. I recently graduated and I'm in college right now. The biggest mistake I made that I'm still annoyed at myself for was putting TOO much focus and time on Youtube during my freshman/sophomore years, and not realizing how badly I might be screwing up my future. I was one of those kids who just didn't try in school anymore and didn't care no matter how much I failed. I'm not saying grades are the number one priority, but they are pretty important, and you shouldn't throw your potential future away for Youtube. Over time, I learned to prioritize the necessities first, and then I do youtube when I have time. I still enjoyed it, and I wasn't stressing myself out over trying to make multiple videos every week. I wish I had put more time into my schoolwork and other stuff than Youtube in general.

The good thing was, I did learn A LOT about being on camera, and editing, and etc. So something positive came out. But it's also important to learn the priorities and time management. You can still do Youtube and balance it with school, but you shouldn't put too much focus on one. In my junior/senior year, I would make sure to do my homework and stuff first (Although I still didn't care much about school, I failed a lot of things lol) and now, I make sure to do my work and important stuff first and then when I have time, I do Youtube stuff.
Treat YouTube as a side note. Something you do for fun. YouTube can easily consume every last free minute of your time if you let it, and it will have detrimental effects on just about everything else. Your family life, your job and your personal well being.

I for one don't believe that having a schedule or uploading weekly (or multiple times a week) is the key to success. You either got it or you don't. Most of us are square in the don't category. I myself have been at it in my current format for 3 years and at 4.8K subscribers I am 100% in the don't category. I got disenfranchised from YouTube at the end of 2016 and nearly quit. This happened again a few months ago. It is then I decided to only do it when I want to. As a result I am hanging out more with my family and have a happier life.
As a dad of 2, with a full time job, it helps to really block out time in advance plus an understanding wife as well ^^ Like example i'll tell the kids okay daddy's got to be doing this of X day between this time and that. Also batch processing really helps, with advance planning (Like all the same shots, same angle), like when i take pics i also take pics at the same time for my thumbnails as well etc. Thinking back to my school days i think its doable to juggle both youtube and study :D 2 hours of uninterrupted time is pure gold for me.....
I tell that to my wife and she just laughs and says yeah right. So I do it all at work