
I've Got It
I'm 15 so I'm currently in school and will be for a while and before it used to be so easy to balance my life but now I find myself confused as to which direction I'm going in and what I'm doing with my life. Anyone have any tips on how to keep your life prioritized and to balance school life with that of YouTube.

I'm also 15, and I felt like you a few months ago. Have some conversations with friends, get to know what they're doing, if they know. Lie down in bed or have a saturday shower/bath, whatever you think best doing, and just map out in your head all of the possible things you could do, their positive and their negative outcomes (Eg, Low Income, Boring, etc... Fun, High Income, etc), maybe even use a pen and paper to map all of the things you could do as a job or what you could do for hobbies, then just try to think in-depth about each job or hobby and what they could do for you and how your life would be.
Thinking and planning is key. The most successful people in life had/have plans and goals they follow.
Hope this helps. :)
I'm 15 so I'm currently in school and will be for a while and before it used to be so easy to balance my life but now I find myself confused as to which direction I'm going in and what I'm doing with my life. Anyone have any tips on how to keep your life prioritized and to balance school life with that of YouTube.


Hi Rehannah, personnaly I've just trough the same proces.
I was in school studying for my bacholor and meanwhile out of seeking for somekind of hobby and I started my Youtube channel.
It was al about beauty and in the beginning of this is became bigger and more and more apparent that what I was doing on my I loved much more then what I did in real life. I kept studying and made video's but them furter I came in my study the more I realized that it was just not for me. I got confused but kept going and if only to just get my degree..... finals for graduation came up and I started failing.

Not because I did not put in the work just because I had bad luck and I was not totally behind it.
(we had to come up with our own graduate project and mine kept being denied.)

Eventually I dropped out because I could not gradcuate in the same year. While and before this all was happening I was already looking to my future and visited a few beauty events and came across a very good private school in my area... I eventually signed up and now althoug I failed at my bachelors I'm starting in August to become a profesional makeup artist.

Although of course this was not all plannend and things went wrong in school I need to get out of there because it really made me unhappy. I have a sidejob, put all my time in my channel untill august and start all over again. things didn't go as plannend but the more I go after my new goal in life the happier become.

So make choices that are good for you even if they are maybe not always the best in the genral opinion, they have to be good for you and noboddy else.
When I'm not doing anything I do YouTube haha that's the easiest way to do it or if you have less free time just schedule when you want to make videos and so it on those days
I did YouTube while in High School and College and made it work pretty well, don't forget though School is important!
I am doing MASTERS program, I have got lot of assignments, I always take time to only work on assignments 2 - 3 days and then concentrate on YOUTUBE. I have recorded many videos for backup, so I can chill and record any time.
I just treat it as a hobby, same level of importance. Do it when I have the time, but I don't stress over it if I get busy.
Horribly. *ba dum tss*

Anyways, jokes aside, try not to make it so you're upload schedule is too much for you. Get into a routine for when you record, edit, and upload. Routines help a lot!
Thanks everyone for your responses. I think that I will wait for summer break and schedule a lot of videos so that this won't happen in the future.