Gaming channel need help to start


New Member
- I am a new gamer to Youtube.What is better?To go alone popular games like Legend of Leaguends,COD,CS GO..., or new games?
- Is it better to play mmorpg, mob , a shooter or any other category?Also
which are now popular, the game on Youtube?
- Get all the advice you can , it will help me a lot!Also when to start streaming or do i need to sream ?

Thank you in advance for your help.
It comes down to playing what you want to play. If you don't have fun playing it, no one will have fun watching it.

Honestly in regards to streaming I don't have any experience with it so I can't help you there.
It's oversaturated and I don't like to play games that are all over YT. Try to come up with something innovative like playing bad games, trust me. By doing that, you can make up jokes and point out the flaws within the game itself. You will get views and possibly subs pretty fast, come up with some creative titles and don't overdo the CAPS LOCK, exclamation points and make sure you put your channel's name at the end of your title. Be warned, sometimes the devs will get offended if you point out flaws but that's their problem. ;)
Hey bro! Good question, basically what Calija said is on point. The whole copying YouTubers thing is balony to me. There are thousands of recent channel that all play the same or similar games. Do what you love bro. People wanna see the real you and that's how you'll earn real subscribers bro.
Best of luck to you man !
It's oversaturated and I don't like to play games that are all over YT. Try to come up with something innovative like playing bad games, trust me. By doing that, you can make up jokes and point out the flaws within the game itself. You will get views and possibly subs pretty fast, come up with some creative titles and don't overdo the CAPS LOCK, exclamation points and make sure you put your channel's name at the end of your title. Be warned, sometimes the devs will get offended if you point out flaws but that's their problem. ;)

The only thing I can add to this is production values. Don't be one of those channels that do just "let's play" videos, there are probably 10 billion other channels doing that. Add some footage of yourself (and be mindful of your appearance) with some humor, commentary or interesting facts about the game your covering. Here are the gaming channels I'm subbed to and watch regularly:
The Gaming Historian
Classic Game Room
Metal Jesus

I watch occasionally
Pat the NES punk (he does far more "podcast" videos than the classic punk videos, so I watch far less of the podcast ones)
Cinemassacre; this is home of the Angry Video Game Nerd. Nowadays most of the episodes are "James and Mike play" so I rarely watch those but will watch 100% of the Nerd episodes.