i would say with because if you like the lets player you kind of want to see his/her reactions
Maybe this is crazy, but you could release two videos, one with face cam and one without. I don't know if people frown upon that, but I would think giving your viewers an option couldn't be a bad thing.
In most cases, I don't like face cams, but I do enjoy face cams when the person is joking and laughing or has a fun reaction to watch.
If the facecam has a reason to be there, sure. If its just you sitting and doing nothing special then its not necessary and rather useless. I hate videos with facecam where they constantly zoom in close on the face and overreact, dont be like that.
It depends on the person.
I don't think I would watch Markiplier videos without his face.

But it would be weird if suddenly MasaeAnela used a facecam.
I use a facecam in my Norwegian channel mainly because people want it for some reason.
Hmm, a lot of mixed opinions. It's nice to know though, because now that I have my Blue Yeti and new webcam, I wanted to show my face and stuff. But I'll definitely remember that I'll have to keep it interesting.
I prefer without. I think most people you'll encounter on forums and reddit and what not would prefer without as well. But the general youtube audience loves facecam (based off what i've learned from my own analytics and seeing other people get more popular with facecam.)

Of course you have to look half-decent (Of course it's not always true, look at boogie2988, he's no David Beckham). At least like take care of your appearance.
Of course you have to look half-decent (Of course it's not always true, look at boogie2988, he's no David Beckham). At least like take care of your appearance.
I think what you meant to say is look presentable.

No 1 wants to watch someone gaming shirtless, half naked or in their PJs that has last Saturdays pizza stains on it. xD