'Enjoyable' accents?


Comedic Gamer and Professional... sh*t
I'm kind of interested, since I have quite an unusual accent compared to the rest of YouTube, what kind of accent do you enjoy the most? I personally have an NZ accent, by the way... What do you think about the New Zealand accent? I don't really like it, but I'd be interested to know your favourite accent/most enjoyable/most entertaining accent on YouTube and what you think about the New Zealand accent. My favourite accent is Scottish (chaaboy/azzy on yt) how about you guys? And what do you like about the accent you chose?
Well, people always say they like our South African accents, but I've always liked Irish and Welsh accents. Also, I think Russian accents are pretty cool, but I don't think many people will agree with me :p
I like the New Zealand accent, I'm Scottish but everyone is disappointed when they hear my accent! It's definitely not Scottish.
I also like Irish accents.
Well, people always say they like our South African accents, but I've always liked Irish and Welsh accents. Also, I think Russian accents are pretty cool, but I don't think many people will agree with me :p
Wow! I sure agree with you! I personally learned a tiny bit of Russian lol. But not on videos... Google translate...so I'm probably very Russian Illiterate xD[DOUBLEPOST=1454503424,1454503372][/DOUBLEPOST]
I like the New Zealand accent, I'm Scottish but everyone is disappointed when they hear my accent! It's definitely not Scottish.
I also like Irish accents.
Haha :)
Peaky Blinders accent, for sure.

This is really interesting to me. I'm from the city that Peaky Blinders is set in, which is Birmingham, and we're known as 'Brummies' over here and have the 'Brummie accent'. I've worked really hard to lose the accent over the years, but it still comes through a bit - especially if I've been drinking.

I heard that there was a survey done about British accents. Brits voted the Brummie accent as the worst, saying it makes the speaker sound unintelligent and slow. Meanwhile, the rest of the world voted it as the best accent; to outside ears it apparently has a nice lilt and flow to it. That's one of the reasons why I have promoted my channel outside of the US to start off with!

Funny how this kind of thing works...