I Love YTtalk
Yeah but if you have a long video and play it till the end and the watch time on that video will increase and because of this the channels overall stats will go up too, but will it not still only benefit the long video that you played out rather than helping all the other videos too?
or does a Channels overall retention and watch time help all the videos on the channel?
The more I do this gig the more I am convinced that one of the most critical factors of success is the channel authority.
A channel with high authority releases a video, and it's in every feed and page on the platform. YT pumps it into every eyeball it can.
A channel with low authority releases a video, and all that is heard is the sound of crickets in the background.
Now, I'm not saying everyone should watch every one of their own videos 300 times for full views to build watch time and retention (I'm quite confident the algorithm programmers have taken that into account), but you absolutely must work on building your channel's authority overall, that is the most important thing that will get you out there (I believe).
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