Does " Luck " has anything to do with making a channel successful?

Luck certainly plays a part. I mean, you can't predict a video will go viral.

But all the major youtubers - they didn't get there purely on luck. Being a youtube success takes a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck to keep getting you to the next platform.
Yup!! True DAT!!~~
I was watching a video from Casey Neistat earlier (great youtuber, check him out if you haven't) - He says that Luck is the product of opportunity + preparation.. if you're doing everything right for your channel (being creative and a good storyteller, good quality, amazing seo, editing, tagging, sharing.. etc) and your video starts popping up with that opportunity.. it'll happen. It's a great way to work towards what you want. Viral Videos are one in a couple million, just work hard on your stuff :)
Sometimes it is luck, but sometimes it's just who you come across. Maybe fate, karma or whatever you believe in, but it's not always luck in my opinion.
I would not necessarily say luck but for some luck has a certain part to it. I think the most recent was someone called Cian Twomey, who does a sketch of a ego counterpart called emily. I dont like to follow these people on the basis of one good video and lapping it all up, I like to focus on those who worked hard even if they had one viral video, but then work hard on all their other videos does that make sense???
theres 2 stages to youtube.

1 - all the stuff you can do to make your video the best up to uploading. (none of this is luck based)

2 - everything that happens AFTER you upload. (some luck involved)

It's up to me to make a video the best of my ability, and if it does poorly, ive probably missed some things, there's always room for improvement. however, if someone watching shares my video to reddit and it ends up on the front page for a ton of views, thats what I would call 'luck' and it can have a good impact.

All we can do is focus on step 1, and hope youtube and viewers boost the video in step 2
There definitely is a form on luck in it, but you increase your chances if you create QUALITY content at a steady rate. Remember, QUALITY over QUANTITY!! You could rush to make 100 videos in 2 months, but odds are if you take your time and make 10 quality videos in 2 months, those will be better and you will get more from that. Also, don't focus on trying to get big. I see so many people who want to become "famous" online or make a ton of money from doing things like YouTube. Do it because you want to and because you enjoy it, not because you want to get big.