I watch my videos while editing, and also afterwards. When my video is done rendering, I watch it 2 or 3 times to make sure it's absolutely perfect and what I want it to be. Sometimes, I might get lazy and not do it though. :p
I mean if I watch my own video and I'm not entertained or humored then I can't expect others to be as well. That is why I gotta!
I watch my own videos basically 4 times. The main part of my videos is my audio, the visuals are just to keep the viewers engaged.
The first time is in Audacity, to cut audio/bloopers etc
Second time in my editing software magix(to cut visuals and fit them on the audio).
Third time i watch the exported result (to see if anything ****** up while exporting) and the fourth on YouTube (if anything ****** up uploading). Then I really get tired of it and can't see it anymore

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I'll watch it a couple of times all the way through after I create the video to make sure if I'm satisfied with it. After that, I usually won't watch it again until a couple months later just to rewatch it
Only some of them, like sometimes when i upload a video, it will say its not in HD, so i go to the info and settings on that video, sort some infomation out and then i will try and change the quality to see if it is actually in HD which it is, its a minor glitch when it doesnt show its in HD when it really is