Channel Reviews!

Rad, appreciate it dude.

Like someone else mentioned, I think it was a good call to separate channels like you did. Normally I think it's better to have a bigger following before splitting into multiple channels, but I think yours was an exception.
Thumbnails good, audio N/A. I like the icon and banner, but they need to go together. Fill out more of your banner if at all possible. Best thing for you to do however is upload more content. After you have 100+ videos up make a trailer. I'd also go ask somebody else as I really don't know what to do with your channel in order to improve it besides what I've already expressed.
I'd love some feedback on my channel!
Your branding (icon and banner) stinks. For your banner you should make the words a bigger font and remove all the faces of people or things. You should probably use a better font to. Then for a Icon you should take the background of the banner and put "JG" in front of it in the same font as whatever you pick for the banner.You should also make or procure a "sting", or "bumper". You also need better thumbnails. Use bigger words. Besides that I don't know, you should do some external research on thumbnails.
Took your advice and changed it up a bit! Let me know what you think about the new thumbnail and wallpaper!
I like the new banner. The thumbnail is actually bad, though it's my fault. Use the background of the banner for the background of a new icon. Then you should use the same font you used for the banner and write "JC" on the icon. If you could do that I think it would be good. Comment when you do it if you do it please!
Gotcha! working on a new thumbnail right now actually. It's a bit different than what you were saying but I think you may like it.
Much appreciated, taking everything you said into account, definitely going to put some time into the banner, it's been mentioned a few times.
Gotcha! working on a new thumbnail right now actually. It's a bit different than what you were saying but I think you may like it.
Sorry, I just realized my mistake. I meant your icon, not your thumbnail.
Harsh, but i do agree and ill be working on it. what do you think of my newest thumbnail?
,B+ mate. I like how you included the logo of the game and some hook words. Though I'd personally think it'd be better if you moved the words "A DEAD BODY?" Over to the right. Then up a tiny bit. Then you could bring the "Firewatch" logo down a tiny bit more so it's in between line 1 "A DEAD", and line 2: "BODY?". The point being to fill up Space. Unless you have a specific reason for not doing that.
I would like a review :)
For a graphic designer/artist, your thumbnails are on point. I like your watermark. Your branding is A+. Banner is awesome.
However, your icon is a little dark and hard to see when I click on a video. (because it gets smaller). Your banner is also a little cramped around your drawn face.
Though the art behind it is perfect. I especially like that you have a trailer. As you are an Art channel, you don't need a sting. Your end card is good.
Best thing for you to do though is to look up more famous art channels and compare them against yourself.
You may also want to set up a Fiverr account or something of the sort and use your channel to advertise your ability to make portraits. Your channel is well done!
I'll take a review, hit me!
Your channel is extremely professional. Because of that, I'm going to just get right into telling you what could be improved. You have a whole lot of stuff on one channel, it might be better for you to have 2 or 3 different channels. One for your music, One for your gaming, and One for your Tech Reviews and Setup videos. I would also make the "F" green and the orange slice orange, in your sting so it kind of goes with everything else. For your icon I'd replace or overlay the white with the same red you have in the banner. Besides that you are awesome.
I'd like a review if you're still offering :) I'll brace myself haha.
Ok. Surprisingly your branding is really really good. You should make a watermark. To do that take the icon and remove the background with pixlr.
You need some work on your thumbnails. Your "Just Cause" ones are ok, I can barely see the words in your Trove and gaming with Friends thumbnails.Switch to a brighter color. You need to also get a headset, any kind of headset. That will increase your audio quality by making it so the noise won't echo through your speakers and mic. After that you should save up some money for the Samson Go mic and a pop filter. (About 50 dollars in total), or ask for it for your birthday. You also need to work on your commentary. Pretend you are attempting to keep someone amused, talk with the audience. Attempt to keep them engaged. I hope these tips help. Definitely get that headset mate.
I gotcha! I had an idea of what you were saying. I plan on having a coffee cup with the words Java Central in it spelled in bubbles. Just all that photoshop is a bit of work though