Channel Review: Banner & Thumbnails


Hi everyone! Thanks for taking the time to take a look at this. I run a mostly gaming channel and plan to throw in some vlogs in the near future in their own playlists as a few friends have requested it and I had been debating doing it anyways.

At the moment I'm most concerned about my banner and my thumbnails. I do have a few thumbnails I'd like to change (Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs vids) but I'd appreciate any and all suggestions you all my have.

Do you all prefer videos with thumbnails or are you more like me and don't usually pay any attention to them?

Do you think my icon is too bright, too much text? I have a PCG one but didn't like it quite as much as the one I'm currently using.

And honestly, just what do you think overall? I'm slowly working on upgrading to better equipment and games but it takes a lot of time.
I like it when videos have eye-catching thumbnails. It makes the channel look neater and when I look for a video, I'm gonna choose the one with the better looking thumbnail. Not one that looks like all the others, but that is just me. :P

I think that your branding is a little off. Your banner and channel icon don't go together. They look like they are from two completely different people. :( If you want me to check out more in-depth just let me know :D
I really like your banner but your thumbnails are a bit off. They are a bit chaotic for my tastes and the text is a bit small. Could you make them BIG and BOLD and maybe "mute" the background a bit. Just lower the opacity or create something for the text to overlay on.
I like your banner, but the thumbnails are very difficult to read as the text is too small and they are very busy. Love some of the videos though.
Great job on the banner! It has a good amount of information
For the thumbnails try enlarging the text, and bolding it so it stands out. The icons stand out more than the user information.
Your banner is really impressive! Your thumbnails are also really good - you seem to have a good level of continuity throughout your channel and your content overall is good as well. Keep up the good work!
Great banner. For the thumbnails, maybe try to do a funny face or something like a reaction photo of you playing the game? We just kind of see you in the corner... Just a suggestion :) cheers.
I like your channel's logo, but other than that I find your channel banner a little too simple and empty. Also I would really consider making thumbnails for your videos, it's really daunting to see that huge list of videos that all look pretty much the same, it makes me tired before starting to watch your content. Making thumbnails is really easy and fast, if you'd like me to make some for you just tell me.