Anyone else had a video just start getting loads of views?


I've Got It
It's not LOADS of views but compared to most other videos on my channel I have a video that has just started racking in views... Without me promoting it or anything.. Just started getting more views than normal (noticeably) Thought I'd see if that's happend to anyone else? And did it stop? I hope it doesn't and just carries on at the pace it's at! :)
it could be that a certain topic in your video all of a sudden gained interest and you got the combination of your title and description and tags just right, and could be that there are no other videos that are made or have as good of a content as good as yours. I have also a video, where my other videos that are getting between 20 -200 views, but two of my videos are getting 5,000- 8,000 views and they are me reading kids books, but I'm assuming that they are getting as many views because no one else has those books being read on youtube, so when someone is looking for that particular title, my videos are at the top of the search because nothing else is available. Wish you all the best with your channel!
it could be that a certain topic in your video all of a sudden gained interest and you got the combination of your title and description and tags just right, and could be that there are no other videos that are made or have as good of a content as good as yours. I have also a video, where my other videos that are getting between 20 -200 views, but two of my videos are getting 5,000- 8,000 views and they are me reading kids books, but I'm assuming that they are getting as many views because no one else has those books being read on youtube, so when someone is looking for that particular title, my videos are at the top of the search because nothing else is available. Wish you all the best with your channel!

Sweet.. thanks.. hopefully it keeps going! :) I wish you all the best too!
I'm jealous guys! I hope one day to become rock hard at one of my videos suddenly building traction out of no where. I'm not holding out for it but I can dream. Maybe I'l have to get my mum to start refreshing my video pages more often.
Of all the videos i uploaded one video have over 50k views and over 1k likes it started when i commented about losing my pinky on a youtuber facebook page and people were wondering what happen so i put the link to the video and boy did it explode still getting alot of views