Networks can offer a different contract depending on what how big you are!
YouTube takes it cut from the 30% we take not the 70% he takes..
Get your facts straight.
You need to get your own facts straight.
First of all, YouTube sends money to the
network's Adsense account; so you've not dumped Adsense, they are still involved.
Secondly, that money is
only sent to the network's Adsense after YouTube has taken its 45% cut of the money. I have no idea where you are getting 70% from: YouTube's standard revshare rate has been 45% to YouTube and 55% to the creator since 2013.
Ah Ha! Yes I do know where you are getting that 70%!
Most networks do a 70-30 split with their members! So here is what the pie looks like in reality.
100% - 45%. 55% goes to creator's Adsense if directly partnered. If network-partnered, 55% goes to the network's Adsense account.
55% - 10-30% depending on your network revshare ratio goes to the creator if network partnered.
This is precisely why networks with higher payout thresholds get so many complaints. If you only have say...200-5000 subscribers, it will take
months for a channel of that size to reach even a $50.00 payment threshold. If you are smaller than that (<200), the creator may leave networked partnership in despair of ever being paid at all. And that is why so many networks have dropped their payment thresholds to $5.00 or less.
I don't understand why so many new creators want to jump right on the network bandwagon and get paid a measly $5.00 as fast as possible. That level of cash wouldn't even pay for some of the assets I use in my videos!
With Adsense, at least one can set a decent threshold. I am small at only 5348 subs (as of this morning); and I've set my own threshold at a level I can report to the tax man, when I reach it.
Before you tell someone who's been on YouTube since a year after its founding to "get their facts straight", I'd advise you to make sure you have your own facts straight first!